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Texas Baptist pastor who advocated executing women for abortion faces child sexual assault charges

Rick Perry, The Man In Charge Of American Nuclear Weapons, Fell For An Instagram Hoax

Mark Taylor: Ruth Bader Ginsburg 'Has Got to Be a Pedophile' | Right Wing Watch

Mark Taylor: Rep Maxine Waters Is 'Activating Satan's Pastors' to Attack Trump | Right Wing Watch

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My government professor back in college stopped class one day, because he heard people talking crap about their dorm neighbor. He went on a rant about how you need to be nice, because you never know who they will be. He was like you never know... The people you never would think will become important will. Then he goes on to say his dorm neighbor was Rick Perry 😂. This was back when he was still governor. He had that same defeated sound in his voice that Tom did talking about karma not being real. Lol