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  1. Williamson deletes tweet suggesting 'power of the mind' can deter Hurricane Dorian
  3. Texas gunman had been ruled 'mentally unfit' to buy firearms, used loophole on background check: report | Fox News
  4. After Texas Shooting, Fox & Friends Guest Blames Gun Violence on Decline in Christianity: No 'Morality Without Religion'
  5. YouTube Removes 17,000 Channels for Hate Speech | Hollywood Reporter

This week in trump:

  1. Trump displays map with Dorian's original path extended toward Alabama
  2. Village Idiot Offers Congrats To Poland For Nazi Invasion That Decimated Their Country and Killed Millions | Common Dreams Further
  3. Mike Pence’s stay at Trump’s Doonbeg resort reeks of corruption
  4. Trump Says a Recession Isn’t Possible Because Everyone Is Rich
  5. Founder of conversion therapy organization comes out as gay and apologizes




Bra Straps and Bitch Slaps

Midland, Texas (the most recent Texas shooting (as of this comment)) is my hometown. If there's anything that oil spill of a city is NOT lacking, it's guns and Jesus...

Aya Sakurai

I love your righteous indignation as Chicagoans. Those gun right people shouldn't use outdated / misleading info about the city to promote their agenda.


Would it be like having a "mission accomplished" banner before we've pulled all our troops out?


For what it's worth, y'all should look into the requirements for private party transfer of guns in IL; the seller needs to see the buyer's FOID, and retain some sort of records that I don't recall off the top of my head. IL kind of has universal background checks by way of requiring the FOID.

Angela Adcock

There is a small part of me that genuinely hopes that if Trump goes down that it’s for something stupid as fuck like drawing a dick on a weather map. Just because I want some poor textbook writer 20 years in the future to have to figure out a way to explain sharpie-gate in a way that makes sense to people who didn’t live through it.