Episode 143: League of the South (Patreon)
2014-03-24 00:03:21
GOP Congressman Stephen Fincher On A Mission From God-Starve The Poor While Personally Pocketing Millions In Farm Subsidies
CNN asks whether maybe God stole Flight 370
Billy Graham’s Daughter Says Missing Malaysian Plane Could Offer a Glimpse of What the Rapture Will Look Like
Wyoming Republican’s Book Claims Gay People ‘Purposely Infected Women’ To Start AIDS Apocalypse
Creationists demand equal airtime on Neil deGrasse Tyson’s ‘Cosmos’ to provide ‘balance’
‘League of the South’ official: Teaching evolution is ‘an act of disloyalty to America’
Staten Island man accused in 'spiritual cleansing' of naked teen 'disrespected the religion,' Santeria priest says (with photos)
Republican House Candidate Who Said Autism Was the Result of God’s Anger Over Gay Marriage Just Won Her Primary
Jennifer Louise Lopez Asks Anti-Gay Harlem Church To Stone Her
Police release 911 call after wife stabs husband, claims he was "worshiping the NASCAR race"