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Thank you to Maya K. Van Rossum for joining us this week. Learn more about The Green Amendment and Maya at:



The Green Amendment 

Stories from the Week

Vatican launches $110 'click to pray' wearable rosary - CNN

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints opposes rule that would ban conversion therapy, says it fails to protect individual religious beliefs

Ben Shapiro Threatens Beto O’Rourke With Gun Violence Because The Gays | Michael Stone

Trump says again that Americans need ID to buy groceries. They still don't - CNNPolitics

U.S. Department of State - United States Department of State



Jammin Jesse Buckner

Hey Now! Guys lmfao! The pasta is called Pasta a la vodka In NY and here in Buffalo You can get a slice of Pizza a la vodka. Its fucking delicious! Lmfao! 🤣 ✌💚🎶

Kringle, love child of Danish and Donut

Phil Ferguson might be a good guy to interview regarding the national debt. Atheist and Financial advisor; he has a podcast where he discusses money/ investing as well as atheist/ free thinking topics.