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Some GOP senators buck President Trump, Rand Paul on calls to release whistleblower's identity - ABC News

Minnesota bishop defends conduct in sexual abuse case

"Christian" hospital charges its own nurse $900,000 for her premature baby / Boing Boing

GOP Candidate for Virginia Senate: The Ten Commandments Will Stop Gun Violence | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Paula White, Donald Trump’s new adviser, ratchets up rhetoric, denounces ‘demonic’ networks opposing president’s ‘calling’ - oregonlive.com

Ohio ex-missionary sentenced to 9 years in prison in child sex abuse cases | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Dave Daubenmire Believes He's Entitled to a Jury Filled With Conservative Christians | Right Wing Watch

New York Times library subscription rejected by Citrus County, Florida, commissioners citing 'fake news' - The Washington Post



kyle fistofkrosa

Hey kyle here again. Forgot to mention make sure whenever you hit Frank pepe's make sure you go to the original that is street side. There is a genuine difference in quality of the pizza for some reason. Also you might want to hit it up early as they have long lines out the door.