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Stories from the Week

'Touch Not the Anointed': Lance Wallnau Prays Against the Effort to Impeach Trump | Right Wing Watch

Mormon Church accused of stockpiling billions, avoiding taxes - CNN

Missouri church leader tried to pay for sex on Grindr with Arby’s card

#wakeupolive: California church prays to Jesus for girl's resurrection

‘Kill the gays’ pastor suggests climate activist Greta Thunberg is demonically possessed and ‘needs Jesus’ – Raw Story

Facebook ads are spreading lies about anti-HIV drug PrEP. The company won't act | Technology | The Guardian

Tennessee deputy forces baptism, gropes Chattanooga woman: Lawsuit

Lindsey Graham says he's not trying to be a "fair juror" in impeachment trial - Axios

Jim Bakker: 'America Is Not Even Going to Be Worth Living In' if Trump is Impeached | Right Wing Watch

Sheila Zilinsky Calls on God to Unleash Billions of 'Mighty Warrior Angels' to Protect Trump From Impeachment | Right Wing Watch

Tom Horn Knows the Real Reason Behind the Creation of Trump's Space Force | Right Wing Watch



Julie LaVoice

My heart sinks when I see a citation with my state's name in it. It's hard to be an atheist, liberal, feminist, Democrat in a red state. Love from Memphis, y'all. Thank you for the great work.

joshua macdonald

I may be reading this the wrong way but is it possible that Rep. Tlaib wasn't necessarily being celebatory because she felt she had a win rather she is happy that finally the democrats are fighting back in a substantial way?

stephen lebowski

The feed for Google play has an Adam and Eve ad playing over the show @ about 29 minutes.


I’m confused about how they thank patrons. Do they use our preferred names or do they just go with dead names?