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Traditional Values Coalition Links Contraception Mandate To 'Islamic Shariah Law,' 'Population Control' Pat Roberson: Jesus more likely to stone gays to death than bake them a wedding cake Christian School Kicks Out 8-Year-Old Girl For Not Being Feminine Enough Creationists Stall Eight-Year-Old Girl’s Idea for State Fossil for South Carolina Guess who’s speaking at the NSTA National Conference Wikipedia founder responds to pro-alt-med petition; skeptics cheer Anti-gay pastor who prayed for Obama’s death demands silence from women in church Oops! Oklahoma pastor says he accidentally flooded Texas by praying too hard Our appearance on Atheists on Air http://mythunderstoodalliance.com/042-the-cognitive-dissonance-crew-gods-inept/ We appear on Inkredulous too: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2014/03/inkredulous-episode-025/ The 613 commandments http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/613_Mitzvot The weird box thing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tefillin Within reason: http://withinreason.podbean.com/ Skepticamp Brisbane http://brisskepticamp.org/


Zachary Siegel

I'm new to Patreon, but I think this might have been double posted/double charged. I cancelled one but kept the other.

Steve French

Double charged for this. Please advise

Lisa Mallette

I love you guys, but I was charged twice for this episode. If it's not twice as badly thought out as usual, I'm gonna be really disappointed.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

I sent an email to the contact there. I will have the charges reversed. If there is no way to do this I will not charge for next week's and you will still get it early.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

Ok. So everyone that I could refund money to I did. There are some payments still processing. When they come through I will refund the money. Sorry about this.