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Stories from the Week

The Americans dying because they can't afford medical care | US news | The Guardian

America’s most anti-gay pastor says God set Australia on fire because the country banned him / LGBTQ Nation

Disinformation For Hire: How A New Breed Of PR Firms Is Selling Lies Online

Oregon Congressional Candidate Places Electoral Hopes on QAnon | Right Wing Watch

Trump Backs Away From Further Military Conflict With Iran

Iranian Missile Accidentally Brought Down Ukrainian Jet, Officials Say, Citing Early Evidence

GLORYHAMMER - Hootsforce (Official Video) | Napalm Records


Habeas Humor




Carrie McMillin

Y'all are talking about healthcare at the beginning. Let me add..... Kiddo most likely has ADHD and/or anxiety disorder. Pediatrician wanted to throw meds at us and that's it. I was like great, what other therapies are offered, so to help with executive skills etc. WELL.....that takes a psychiatric care professional. Made my appt. In Sept., for mid-January. (And it took me a couple of weeks before that, to find a non-woo, non-Jesus option, cause TX.) Come Nov., I knew our mental health insurance was going to change and no amount of calling or asking was getting me info on whether or not the appt. for Jan. was going to be covered. So Jan. 2nd I'm calling and low and behold appt. for Jan., is not in-network. Now I'm starting over.🤯☹ So me and dad, the school counselor and the teacher is managing a kid with basically a undiagnosed disorder/condition. (And they're awesome BTW). And I have GOOD insurance, and can pay the deductible. But we don't have enough money to say FckU, were going out of network. And because TX., the public option is on fire, and we dont qualify for emergency services cause nobody's life is in danger. (Which I get, cause they are dealing with kids that are suicidal or violent) So it sucks.....no wonder people try weird diets or throw some pretty rocks at it, cause the reality is terrible.

Bobbi Jo



David Flaccidoff running down a fuckin beach in slow-mo

Eli Schrock

So American healthcare... wife was diagnosed with cancer and 4 months later I was diagnosed with a genetic heart condition. Then I was fired for taking FMLA. Now I pay for insurance out of pocket, and my wife's chemo costs 100k every 3 weeks. I pick insurance based on network access and the premium+max out of pocket. I pay about 20k every year for healthcare. It's been 5 years now. How many people could afford to do that? Who is ever going to have millions sitting in a health savings account? Are we supposed to be in a higher risk higher cost insurance market? Or how about those maximum lifetime benefits that only ended with the ACA. Let me fuckin' tell you about God Damn Healthcare!

Eli Schrock

Oh fuck me, you're talking about hospitals accepting insurance now. Cool story bro. Let me tell you about UPMC vs BlueCross BlueShield. Oh, cancer? Well you have BC/BS, and we don't take that after next Tuesday, so for X number of months we'll treat you on a continuing care basis... but after that you need to have so insurance we accept. Well lucky me! I got fire

Katie Stienmetz

While hospitals that contract with Medicare and Medicaid have to treat you, medical groups and private practices don't. Their contracts only require them take a certain number/percent of Medicare patients. So if they've met that threshold they can turn you away even with Medicare. I worked as the Medicare biller for an office (small town MT) where one of the Dr.s retired and I got so many calls from her patients who couldn't find any Dr.s in town who were taking new Medicare patients. Since Medicare reimburses at a lower rate than private insurance a lot of practices have find the right ratio to keep their Medicare contract and still cover their costs. So while Medicare is the best we have right now, even that still sucks in some ways.

Regina Calabrese

Yup. And that's just general practice. Finding specialists who take Medicare is like trying to hail a cab in Manhattan on New Year's Eve. This is why even with Medicare, you need supplemental insurance to cover the shit Medicare doesn't. That's why a Medicare For All plan that eliminates private insurance is completely unworkable *until Medicare both covers everything and is accepted everywhere, by law.*