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Stories from the Week

Vatican orders sex abuse investigation of Brooklyn bishop who happened to investigate Buffalo Diocese

Perry Stone: Mitt Romney Might Support Impeachment to Fulfill 'The White Horse Prophecy'

End-timers gleefully anticipate a bloody war led by Trump and Jesus

Harvard law professor demonizes atheists, proposes world theocracy

How Anti-Vaccine Activists Doomed a Bill in New Jersey 

This Week In Trump

Opinion | Hannity previews Trump’s final defense: So what if he’s guilty?

Opinion | Adam Schiff’s brilliant presentation is knocking down excuses to acquit

Trump Brags About Concealing Impeachment Evidence: 'We Have All the Material, They Don't'

Ukraine aid freeze was prepped before Trump call, new documents show



Derek Timp

I was ecstatic that Minnesota got rid of caucuses for 2020.

Cory Effin Springer

I took part in the '08 caucus in MN. I was 20, had no idea what I was walking into, and left very confused.

Deanna T.

Is Vulgarity for Charity over?


Where is the PDF for the story? I would love to read it, but I can’t find it in my patron feed

Carrie McMillin

Nope nope nope. Chucky Cheese is the WORST!!!

Carrie McMillin

I'd take a Totino's or a CiCi 5 hour old pizza, before I would put anything from Chucky Cheese's in my mouth. That is including the salad bar and the mouse.

René Steenkamp

I would love a patreon goal to send you two to Italy to eat pizza all over the country. I would really love to listen to the reviews.

Eli Schrock

Domino's is actually better... or was 10 years ago when I had it last. Obviously still not great, but far better than little ceasar.