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Kelly And Pompeo: How A Journalist Masterfully Combated Gaslighting

Conservative pastor: Jesus would have 'beat the crap' out of John Bolton

The Mom Of "Success Kid" Sent Rep. Steve King A Cease-And-Desist Letter For Using The Meme In An Ad

Day in Impeachment: Top Democrat Concedes 'Probably No' on Witnesses

Rick Wiles: The Coronavirus Is an End Times Plague Sent by God to Purge the World of Sin

Steve Strang: Trump Has 'Become Our Champion' Even Though 'He's Not Exactly a Choir Boy'

How Trump Transformed Mat Staver's Understanding of What Constitutes an Impeachable Offense

Rick Wiles: The Antichrist Will Be Jewish

Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here Are the Biblical Predictions:



Jessica Wilson

Many carriers are opting to adjust the premium based on your age and sex through employer provided insurance plans. For example my portion of premium is higher than my husband because I’m in my childbearing years and he is 51. If I were to accept my employers cheapest plan, I would pay over $600 a month in premiums and my deductible would be $13k.

Coma Ecliptic

"You better wise up..." Cecil: "Janet Weiss." Fucking lost it in the middle of the grocery store when I heard this. Perfection.


R0 ("R Naught") is the term used for gauging the infection rate of a disease. It is also known as the reproductive rate. I know this because I've watched the movie Contagion way too many times and now know more than the CDC....

Kernan Coleman

Coronavirus is more deadly than the flu percentage wise. Flu deaths percentage 0.12% Corona virus just under 3.0%, so there's that.