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Stories from the Week

Germany Shooting Is Deadliest Yet in Upsurge of Far-Right Attacks

Boy Scouts seek bankruptcy under wave of new sex abuse lawsuits

Diocese of Harrisburg files for bankruptcy, after Pennsylvania's landmark investigation of Catholic sexual abuse - The

The 11 Criminals Granted Clemency by Trump Had One Thing in Common: Connections

Trump Called Rush Limbaugh And Told Him Not To Apologize For Homophobic Attacks On Buttigieg

White House Denies Claim That Trump Offered Pardon Deal to Julian Assange



B. King

That ad was so god-dammed bad. No more. Just no. So bad.


Omg that “off key” recorder backing track ...is soooo bad that it’s funny

Avi Poje

Please... no more Ian ads. It’s the first thing I’ve fast forwarded through I think... ever? Also, why are patrons getting the ad anyway?

You got the touch, You got the power

I personally think that was one of the greatest use of Ian I've heard. Beautifully done, I could hear where he almost broke character but still amazing.

Ghost Walker

That Ian spot was absolutely hysterical. But you have to warn people I was drinking coffee and spat some of it out.



Kernan Coleman

OMG! My production artists thought they were gonna have to get the paddles out I was laughing so hard in my office. Ian is a genius. The fucking recorder just killed me.

The Norwegian Anaconda

Ian's new ad for Patrion is the greatest advertisement I've ever heard. I raised my patrion contribution. I'm listening to it for the fifth time in a row. IM SO HAPPY!

Hidin' from Broseidon Biden

Anyone else having trouble listening to or downloading 512??? I am! 😭😭😭