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Stories from the Week

4 babies got herpes from 'oral suction' at circumcision

Anti-vaxxers wage war in Conn., lawmaker calls vaccines “witches brew”


Ted Cruz unwittingly makes himself pro-choice with outrage over vasectomy bill

Flat Earth Community Undeterred by Death of 'Mad' Mike Hughes

Ann Vandersteel: Is the Coronavirus a British/Deep State Plot to Prevent Trump's Reelection?

Trump Names Mike Pence to Lead Coronavirus Response

Trump Has a Problem as the Coronavirus Threatens the U.S.: His Credibility



That's not your Lawn Tiger

Isn't herpes a nuisance disease at best. Like 90% of Americans have it. Might be worth a deep dive; been a while since an expert has been on the show.

Jessica Wilson

Hey Tom! You can appeal to your insurance to cover a medication. Some carriers have the forms available on their websites or you can write a letter and enclose a note from your sons provider. We had to go through the process several time for my sisters chemo treatments.

Ryan Parker

I want to live where Cecil lives and be able to fill my tank with a twenty. And... Still expect change! 😂 That said, we have to pay here first too. I do everything with a card though. I will always just say $80 in whatever. They charge me $80 right there, but the only thing that ends up going through as a charge the next day is whatever amount I actually paid for gas. I think it’s insane that you don’t have that system there. Or, that you somehow don’t get your change back from whatever is left over even if you pay cash. Far as I know that’s literally illegal. Sooo.... I think you had to be joking, or just need a new gas station. LoL

Ryan Parker

I know what you’re saying. But in children and infants, who’s immune systems are vulnerable, it can be quite dangerous.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

I am hilariously the guy that fills his car up when it is 3/4's full. I live in Chicago with a huge gas tax so I do it frequently so I don't feel like I am getting gouged. I also fill it up whenever I am in the suburbs. I'm pretty much a psychopath.