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Stories from the week 

Criticized for Coronavirus Response, Trump Points to Obama Administration

Trump Fox News coronavirus interview: Trump spreads dangerous misinformation

Facebook is taking down Trump ads that link to a fake “census” form

Christian Mother Tries Defending Her Guide to Hitting Kids: “It Has to Hurt”

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Justin Campbell

That story about the woman and her recommendation for a 4-hour beating enraged me. She published a confession of a crime and should be arrested. I'd thought of saying that she should be beaten for 4 hours but she'd probably like it.

Dennis Shoemaker

Ok, so first things first. You guys need some help. I mean like clinical help. Thanks for making all this horrible shit that's happening now funny. Keep it up! ( But really... therapy? )

Niamh Coghlan

I was also sickened by Lori Alexander advocating child abuse. However, that's only one of her greatest hits. She also has said that marital rape is just fine: "Women falsely believe if they don't 'feel' like being intimate with their husband then they shouldn't have to be. [...] We are instructed [by God] to deny ourselves, be living sacrifices [...] therefore we joyfully satisfy our husband's sexual needs." She's truly beyond horrible.

Ryan Parker

Yeah... I’ve actually considered contacting Modest Needs. This virus scare crap is absolutely DECIMATING my industry. Shows being cancelled left and right. Haven’t worked in three weeks at least. But, I feel like I probably wouldn’t qualify because I actually make good money. I just never had money until the past few years and didn’t save properly. So, I also feel like hey, that’s on me. Now, six years ago? Absolutely I wish I’d known about MN then! Actually, like... AAAAALLLLLL the time up until then. LoL Tradeshow industry is F U C T.