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Stories from the Week

Conflicting reports of looting at Soho Rolex store

Police violence will make it harder to fight COVID-19




Remember to dominate the battlespace in November.

Tim Niemiec

Tom and Cecil, this is all I can find regarding demands. Hope it's helpful. joincampaignzero.org

Mark Siefert

Tom kept asking “Where are the NRA/state’s rights/libertarian types?” I’ll tell you: THEY WERE ROOTING FOR THE FUCKING COPS!!! Their ideology was never about “freedom” or “limited government.” It’s about preserving a political, culture, and economic environment that only benefits white, heterosexual, Protestant, men. Any sort of progress on behalf of those outside that clique is considered “tyranny” and is therefore a threat.


"I've never heard of one superhero whose cape was the source of the power". Not to be Comic Book Guy, but there is a high profile superhero with his own movie and has appeared in the biggest movie of all time (among others) for whom the cape is their source of flying power- Doctor Strange.


Good call, TBoneSF. Totally forgot about Dr. Strange. 🤣

Geri McLean

Skyscraper sized asteroid is also pelting towards earth. 2020 is a curse.

joshua macdonald

When you guys were talking about the rubber bullets being shot at people, that is not how rubber bullets are supposed to be used, the rubber bullets are meant to be shot at the ground so that the bounce up and hit people in the legs.

joshua macdonald

I agree with you guys that the people spreading the video of the cops smashing up the windows of a police cruiser that the context around that video wasn't the cops causing damage, but just in that case. There have been videos of cops breaking shop windows and undercover cops vandalizing property, it does happen. Cecil you asked why would they do something like that and some of the answer is for discrediting the protesters and giving evidence to help with a narrative switch. The cops can then use the property damage as an excuse to engage the riot cops to round up people and disperse the protest, though it does seem that they've decided to do away with that fig leaf. I don't agree with those who are saying it is only cops doing the damage so they can step things up but there are some instances where that is happening.

Jay Owens

This episode is so good, should be required listening for anyone who doesn't understand the situation right now.

Dean Paxton

General Mattis is a god to almost all Marines, so if his words don’t change minds in the Corps then literally nothing ever will. It excited me because I thought Marines were generally impossible to convince to go against Trump, but THIS guy could do it. If not, then they genuinely are brainwashed.

Fame and fortune guaranteed in the state of Tintucky

I had to unfriend someone because they were advocating abolish the police. They were clear that they and their friends literally meant abolish the police. Not, as I advocated, reform the police. Its like Abolish ICE were only later on it took a practical turn. Its like "Build the Wall" were I'm not sure if it's, literal or figurative. The point seems to be venting populist anger rather than fixing a problem. My family members are 2016 democrat converts so they're upset that they see broken windows and vandalized buildings but very few people voicing a clear path forward.

Bra Straps and Bitch Slaps

Such a good episode. Thanks for the great talking points. You two are always able to put into words the rage so many of us feel.

Tracy & her cats

I could listen to you two rant for another hour. Also - Cecil, please fry the Spam first, don't just eat it out of the can.

Matthew from Talking About the Big Stuff Podcast

Remember his in 2017 Tom couldn't say President and then the T name? My wife was making get it the vote calls tonight and made a new friend. He said we need to get rid of 44+1 because he won't say the other number until the Tangerine Toddler is gone.

Cherie Taylor

Thank you for this. I feel like I’m going crazy and your well articulated rage captured perfectly what I was thinking/feeling. Cheers for going balls to the wall confronting the real issues. Well done and much appreciated.

Ringing Rocks Ranch

I would love to hear folks talking about police training. I work for a state department of justice, and spend a fair amount of time at our law enforcement academy. What hear I most is the dehumanizing language they use. They only talk about "perpetrator", "suspect", and "threat". Nothing about fellow human or someone's son or daughter. The cops are trained to think of anyone without a badge as less than human and that is a huge part of the problem.

WFHChuck --All Zoom, No Pants, Since 2020

The firearms instructor at our NearbY police academy added onto the usual newspeak of “We do not shoot to kill. We shoot to stop the threat. Two shots to the chest, one to the head.” His contribution was to add, “boom, that n-word’s dead.” And that was a hard “R” n-word. Yikes.