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Stories from the Week

Portland Mayor Hit With Tear Gas Deployed by Federal Agents

Minimum wage workers cannot afford rent in any US state

Trump Holds Up a Chart on Fox News That Shows He’s Lying, Then Lies About What It Says

Democrats Unveil Draft Foreign Policy Platform With Promises to End “Forever Wars” and “Regime Change”

Man faked death to avoid jail but typo gave him away

Fake hitman website used by woman wanting ex dead, cops say

Need to release stress? Scream into Iceland’s abyss.



Laughton Melmop

Er, Guys? Where’s the audio?


It's a noncast, a new form of audio-free media!


Aaay yous guys! Could we get a podcast to go wit dese links maybe?

Eyjafjallajökull The Icelandic volcanoe

I don’t know who’s at fault for posting the show notes without the audio but I’m going to blame Ian anyways. Jk I love you Ian, keep up the good work

Laughton Melmop

Fuck. I’ve got audio now, and it has ruined my evening 🖤🖤🖤

Ariel Kahrmann

When I was getting my bachelors degree, my 2 year old dump an entire cup of coffee on my laptop with ALL my last semesters work on it. Thankfully my husband (boyfriend then) was able to somehow get all of my assignments off so that I didnt have to start all my papers 2 weeks before finals.

Andrew Lindsay

Nope. With all due respect, you mean New Zealand, and only after Jacinda Adern sorts out Australia first on her way.

Elvis Manson

Hey guys. Paying people less when they live in low cost of living areas has been standard procedure for military members and Federal civil service for at least 30 years. It has been a fact of life for industry as well. For Federal employees it's called "locality pay"; for the military it's called variable housing allowance. https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/2020/general-schedule/ http://www.militaryspot.com/finance/variable-housing-allowances-vha

Mara S.

Seth's got a lot of whack-a-dos in his audience, although his anti-Trump stance has driven off some of the worst assholes, thankfully


I joined your patreon to just hear my name called, 2 WEEKS AGO! HOW DARE IAN! DAMN YOU IAN! It's all good though. You guys are fuckin hilarious and I have to stifle laughing at work so it won't look weird. I work in EVS at a hospital, so it'd probably be odd looking if the housekeeper was sitting in a corner giggling as he's cleaning up vomit on a bed.😅😅 I've currently been going backwards on your podcasts off Spotify lately. I'm currently at Dec 2018. It's BIZARRE how much we've been through these four years. I felt constantly exhausted emotionally going back reliving all the news articles I had forgotten. I don't remember what episode it was but Tom was joking about "oh what if we had another pandemic during the trump Era. I think he'd probably actually do his job then." NOPE! Wasn't sure where to put all this. You guys are awesome. Love laughing at this burning world, because that's what about all I really can do. Enjoy your Dinner this Thursday night guys, you deserve it! https://youtu.be/dOYkT3o57lg this has absolutely nothing to do with anything, I'm getting it tattooed down the left side of my body. Just wanted to share it with you!