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Thank you to Chris Matheson for joining us! His new book The Buddha's Story comes out August 31st.


Stories From The Week

A Bible Burning, a Russian News Agency and a Story Too Good to Check Out 

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a QAnon Supporter, Wins House Primary in Georgia 



The Sloth King

Oregon Republicans are running a QAnon nut! https://www.opb.org/news/article/jo-rae-perkins-qanon-oregon-republican-senate-nominee/?outputType=amp She has no chance of winning. It’s more like the repugnanticans didn’t want to waste any money on losing a chance. So, so funny, outside of the Portland and the university cities (ie Eugene, Corvallis) it’s can be quite backwards and conservative,

Andrew Wickliffe

Y'all did a fine job with the Seth Andrews segment this episode.

Andrew Wickliffe

well, that 70/30 thing is 👎lots fits into 30%--racism, bigotry--not just obviously dumb shit like libertarianism.

Andrew Wickliffe

But pretty good job about something literally no one has every addressed... I just wished you'd pushed back at the time of the interview.

Andrew Wickliffe

Actually, where's the grace for listeners who don't like Seth Andrews's anti-social progress for marginalized communities implications. lol

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

I cut from this segment a part where I specifically say that some things are non starters and that we don't endorse people attacking marginalized communities. I cut it because it seemed like such an uncharitable take on our conversation that it felt weird. I see I should have left that part it.

Andrew Wickliffe

I mean, I agree it'd have been weird to leave it in. Because not everyone's experience with SA is that subject so it'd be unnatural addition. Major props for addressing it and obviously you're not going to please everyone and I'm a particular hard-case (who literally didn't know there were anyone else who had similar issues until you mentioned it #pandorasbox)


What a great episode

Dean Paxton

I had to unsub from Seth about a month ago after the “outrage brigade” comments, and it really hurt because his podcast was my first real introduction to the atheist community. He was the familiar, friendly voice which made me feel better every week as I was adjusting to my new normal. It’s true what you guys said about how a lot of us were prone to doing some slightly shittier things in the past and we eventually saw better ways to handle it, so my hope for Seth is still there.


Take a moment to appreciate the irony of rage quitting his show after being called the outrage brigade, please...

mae beans

Cecil, I remember your struggles with trans slurs, and I also remember you platforming trans peeps. Both of these things helped me, a trans woman, tackle my own internal transphobia and eventually understand myself and come out.

Yaro Kasear

Honestly, I think Seth deserved the shit he took for the outrage brigade comment. The difference between Cecil and Seth is that Cecil actually moved on from the shitty take he had. Last I checked Seth Andrews still wants to platform shitty people like Armored Skeptic and Sargon. While I definitely respect the opinion you have about people's reaction to Seth being on, I ultimately disagree. Until he shows any signs he recognizes his dismissive attitude toward people who rightly call out garbage people was wrong he didn't deserve to be on your show.