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Microchips-For-Newborns Hoax Has Thousands of Christians Believing That the End Times Are Near… Again Women who have sex before marriage should be hanged, says senior politician in India's Socialist Party Police: WV ‘magical warlock’ coerced sex from kids by promising to cure ill mother Parents Say 234 Schoolgirls Are Missing in Mass Nigerian Kidnapping, Far Higher Than Official Reports http://homeschoolersanonymous.wordpress.com/2014/04/12/50-shades-of-grey-or-contemporary-christian-music-lyrics-a-quiz/ Private school chief linked to Islam Trojan Horse plot says: Stone all adulterers to death Archbishop Slings Bigotry at Atheists Glenn Grothman Says John Kerry Upset God By Condemning Uganda's Anti-Gay Crackdown Bob Marshall Reiterates Claim That Disabled Children Represent God's 'Vengeance' For Abortion Pat Robertson: Jesus said an asteroid could destroy Earth next week http://igg.me/at/veteranjobs http://youtu.be/v-j26Cn3MRE?t=4m11s


Scott Hansen

Great show... especially love the story about the POE'd Xtians... if they really believed that the end times would see the return of Jebus, then wouldn't they do everything to help bring it to pass? That's what scares me about these fruitcakes... the possibility for self-fulfilling prophecy. Oh, and don't talk over the clips... when you do, I can't understand you or the person in the clip. My .02 Gloryhole

Tim Danaher

Jupiter's cock, but Patreon sucks balls... I'm logged in, but I can't d/l the podcast: 'This is a patrons-only post. This post has an attachment'. I know, I want to download the fucking thing. Gloryhole!

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

Scott, we don't try to talk over the clips. We just can't help ourselves. All the clips we use in the show are located at our website so if you miss it and want to listen, check it out there. Tim if you click the title of the post, it will take you to a screen that has both a player on the top and then an orange file on the right with a music symbol on it. Right click and save as.


You guys mentioned the story where people decided that ideas from 150 years ago, such as putting the 10 commandments on buildings, were automatically better because of their age (which sounds like an argument from antiquity to me). This spawned a commentary where you asked 'what if we did the same thing to medicine or technology?' (or something like that). I immediately thought of one group that does do this with tech: the Amish. I don't know much of anything about them or their beliefs, but it seems to me that they picked an arbitrary point in time in which all tech before that point (horse and buggy, plow, etc) are ok, and everything after that point is bad. The people claiming that 'it's a good idea to have the 10 commandments on buildings because people in our country did it a long time ago' are basically applying an Amish mentality to morality. Everything after 150 years ago is bad, and everything before then is good. What do you think? glOry!