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Stories from the Week

Fauci Says He Was Under Anesthesia When CDC Changed COVID-19 Testing Guidelines

FDA’s promotion of post-COVID plasma treatment was as bad as it appeared

US Town Rejects Solar Farm Amid Worries It Would "Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun"

'Separar não posso, ia escandalizar o nome de Deus', diz Flordelis

Trump World Favorite Persuader Scott Adams Sees 'Satanic Coincidences' in Biden Campaign



Jess Donovan

Talking of things that kill COVID, XKCD did a great cartoon a few years back and the tag line was (paraphrasing) 'When a disinfectant is advertised as killing 99% of bacteria in a petri dish remember: So does a hand gun'

Andrew Lindsay

Tom, don’t sell yourself short. In the US at the moment, a literature degree can be extremely useful... after all, who’ll write all the eulogies?

WFHChuck --All Zoom, No Pants, Since 2020

I've worked with two federal agencies in the 2000s, one of which was EPA. The career people are generally non-political, but the reality is that they are subject to the pressures of the administration in power. I haven't known them to falsify reports, but to sit on them because the administration would crush them if they published? Yeah, that can happen, and earnest people sometimes quit over it. Publishing the relative risk reduction percentage is typical of many studies. That's all the statin manufacturers ever tout, because a 50% risk reduction sounds great until it turns into a 6% absolute risk reduction.

Ryan Parker

Have you guys not seen the new video footage of Kyle Rittenhouse beating the shit out of a girl?! Fuck this kid. It’s funny. I am affiliated with a group that is generally thought of as right wing. I showed it to them just to see how they would respond and the juxtaposition compared to other videos. It was really interesting how all of a sudden people wanted to wait for more evidence, get the whole story, it’s still under investigation, I don’t care what he did BEFOREHAND, etc. It was comical. I mean. We all already know that’s how they are. But it was still amazing to see. I’m trying here guys.... I really am trying to change perceptions and get people thinking! Because I am absolutely not the guy afraid to be the only voice in the room. I know what is right. I have my convictions. And I stand by them. I definitely have come to understand the other sides position on some things a lot better as well. And.... They aren’t as crazy as you might think. It’s just hard to talk to one another when everyone is screaming at each other. Either way? Kyle Rittenhouse punches girls. And should have never even been there that night armed to murder anyone in the first place. Fuck that kid.