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Stories from the Week

'How can you be OK with this?' CNN's Pamela Brown presses Sen. Kennedy on Trump audio

An 80-year-old who disappeared while out hiking turned up at his own missing person appeal

Church leader who claims coronavirus is ‘God’s punishment’ for same-sex marriage tests positive. He’s 91 years old

Jelly Belly founder hosting online treasure hunt, winner gets candy factory

Man Blows Up Kitchen While Trying To Swat Fly

Albany man rescued from Lake George by priests on a floating tiki bar

Kentucky driver pulled over after officer spots hand-drawn license plate



Reynold Hall

How about this? Robert Englund as Willie Wonka. Or maybe the guy who played "It" in the remake.

Shaun Maher

I'm not sure this justifies it but, maybe Bob Woodward knew that revealing what Trump said meant that he wouldn't get any more interviews and more interviews meant more opportunities for Trump to incriminate himself. Revealing this stuff now, with an election coming up, has a better chance to kill the beast (metaphorically) than just wounding it. Being politically strategic with information that could save lives though is a dark place for the world to be heading. *sigh*

White-hat Asshole

Daniel Day-Lewis finds the magic jelly belly or whatever, and wins the chocolate factory. He uses it as mega-method prep for his roll in the 2030's remake.