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Thank you to Michael Marshall for joining us - make sure to follow him at @MrMMarsh 

Follow @merseyskeptics and @TheSkepticMag 



Jay Voigt

Can you guys start doing daily shows? I'm running out of coping mechanisms, you guys and the Puzzle in a Thunderstorm feckers are my last connection to sanity.

Julie LaVoice

Marsh brilliantly finds common ground.

Eli Schrock

So, I guess I am out of the loop. We don't like Michael Shermer now? I mean, I've never been a huge fan, but can someone clue me in on what the deal is. Also, can I get a running list of the people in the atheist community who have fucked up to the point we write them off, and what they did to earn that? I can't keep up.

Kernan Coleman

Google is your friend. You get to decide if they deserve the heave-ho yourself.

Eli Schrock

Yeah, I tried Google. My Google foo must be weak. Thanks anyway.

Chad from Cincinnati

Tom, you are an excellent interviewer. I like the questions you ask and the specific types of answers you can illicit out of Michael. Also, Michael just got a new follower. That was fantastic!


I'm going to guess sexual harassment allegations (from several women if that adds weight), all I could find

The Sloth King

I had a brain tumor removed 8 years ago. I was put on dexamethasone and then a year later during a relapse I was put on it again. Holy cow you feel good on it, I felt fucking amazing!!! Like a god. Real psychosis!!!