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I'm leave for the weekend so patrons get the show extra early!


Anti-gay parents compare LGBT student group at rural Tennessee high school to ISIS and drunk drivers

Illegal Shelter for Needy Tortures and Forcefully Converts People to Christianity

Adult film company offers Ted Cruz $1 million to star in his boyhood fantasy ‘teen t*t film’

Parents are forced to watch ISIS executioner behead their 14-year-old son after he missed Friday prayers  

Christian Teens Are Viewing More Porn Than Ever Before, Says Evangelist Who’s Oddly Shocked By This

Pat Robertson: Obama Destroying America As We Near The End Times

Saudi morality police arrest a sweet shop's MASCOT for 'showing skin'  

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Tom Hail

There is a teeny bit of hope Tom. California was a choked up legislative mess like the US Congress until the people cleaned house and put in Democratic Senate and Legislature along with Gov Brown. Left the GOP whining on the sidelines for a couple of years now and shit gets done. And little of the goofy shit you guys are always find elsewhere. Happily. :-) Can the US Congress get there? I think so if lazy-ass liberals would get out and fucking vote!