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Here is the schedule for the live stream this Friday at 3PM central.

Do you have a question for any of the guests? Post your question below. No promises, but if we can get to it, we will. Please write who you would like us to ask and what and we will keep a list of these questions ready for the show. 

Be sure to tune in, and all you US citizens feel free to chip in. We already have a $15,500 match! Help us spend it!

Donate during a show's segment to add to their total. Highest total gets bragging rights! 




Ryan Parker

I understand that you guys want to help. And on its face it seems like a good idea. But... I feel like this is all going to backfire in reality. If recent history has shown us anything? It is that “foreign” or “outside” money coming in to help Democrats? Blows up in the lefts face by feeding into the rights mindset about control. Just look at Lindsay “Bendoverbitch” Graham’s race and what that did to the Republican base. The people on the ground in those places freak the F out when out of state money starts pouring into a race and it motivates them. It’s fucking weird. I get it. It happened in the other race too. But I’m blanking on the names right now. It’s a really weird situation. I certainly don’t know what the solution may be? But, I feel like this country may be doomed anyway at this point. The 2020 election shocked me frankly. The patients truly are running the asylum at the point.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

I mean the alternative is that the other side does it and this side doesn't and gets overrun with attack ads and such. I hate the money in politics thing too, but as long as they don't cap it or curtail it - we are stuck in the system.

Randy Jung

Money is already pouring in for both sides on this race from outside the state, so I don't think the "foreign" money argument works. The problem the Dems have is that Georgia is not a blue state, just has enough voter that are Rs or Is that hate Donald Trump. I don't think that is true down ballot. Ossof has to make up nearly 100K votes on Perdue , plus 120K more if the Libetarians vote R (which I expect they will do). It's harder to determine what the challenge is for Warnock, but the Rs outvoted the D's by 50K in that runoff. However the Independents, Libetarians and Greens have 110K votes so that race looks tighter than the Ossof/Perdue race. Of coure turn out could make the difference.

Ryan Parker

I hear you both. I’m simply going off of what our 2020 Bizarro World has shown us as of late. For some reason? This has seemingly backfired in these elections. The, “foreign/outside money thing? That was just a guess. We’re missing something. The other side is missing screws... I’m not sure what we’re missing yet?

Cindi Lynch

Two thirds of eligible voters showed up in November. Imagine what might happen if the other one-third showed up in January.


of course the 2 I want to contribute to are on while I'm driving to work...


Here’s a question: Is Noah less angry now that his teeth are fixed? Were they the source of his power?