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Thank you to Noah Lugeons for joining us

Get his book Outbreak: A Crisis of Faith 

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Show Notes

Former QAnon Follower To Anderson Cooper: 'I Apologize For Thinking That You Ate Babies'

Nuns Sold Orphaned Children to Sexual Predators: Report




Is there going to be an audio book?

Julie LaVoice

I just found out my sister, who survived COVID-19 and comorbid pneumonia and colitis from COVID does not believe the vaccine is safe. (face palm) She has promised she will do more research. Ugh!

Julie LaVoice

The audio book is taking longer to produce, but Noah has said in several interviews that there will be an audio version.

Great Dark Lord's Toilet Companion

As an introvert, I can confirm that getting to spend prolonged time without forced human interaction is honestly really nice--it gives us introverts time to heal from the constant stress and micro-traumas, if I may, that come from having to conform to an extroverted society that expects extroverted behavior just in order to survive. My state was under a mandatory "stay at home" order for about 2.5-3 months, and (luckily) I got to work from home (mainly researching COVID-19 safety to help the college I work at reopen *eyeroll* in August), and for that whole 2.5 month period before I had to go back to work in person (or lose my job and thus everything), I didn't once have that "I should see a human" craving. And honestly--this comes from a place of life-long hurt, so please don't @ me--it felt kinda vindicating to see extroverts, even those I love very much, feeling out of place and struggling for once, like the tables had for once in my life turned and I got to be okay for once. I didn't ultimately like the idea that anyone's mental health was suffering from the isolation, but it was interesting to see extroverts experiencing a lot of the same kind of mental/emotional/existential anguish that we introverts struggle with a lot as we're forced to choose between our mental health and our livelihoods and putting food on our tables. But it didn't last, I had to go back to work in person in July amidst a bunch of health problems and a ton of physical pain while also being someone with multiple pre-existing conditions including an autoimmune disorder that would make me absolutely screwed if I got COVID, so I was right back in the same old daily grind of pretended sociability and little time to recharge. Ug, sorry for the long post, I heard Noah talking about the introvert experience of quarantining and needed to get this off my chest and express "fucking same" in a bout of word vomit.

Niamh Coghlan

This was an amazing episode. Noah is always great to listen to and your interviewing skills are pure class.