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Thanks to Jake from IFS for visiting with us:


Christian Pastor Defends Slavery Because the Bible Condones It

Catholic hospitals wrestle with assisted death

Cruz’s evangelical backer seeks to convert Jews, predicts new concentration camps 1:12

‘Everybody knew’: Neighbors not shocked after Ohio pastor charged with raping parishioners

Right-Wing Pastor: Legal Abortion To Blame For Mysterious Eagle Deaths

Glenn Beck: God Allowed Scalia To Die In Order To Highlight The Importance Of Electing Ted Cruz

Bryan Fischer Says That Every Abortion Is 'Like Food For Demons'

'Get A Brain': Michele Bachmann Says A 'Biblical Basis For Society' Is The Key To Happiness

Pat Robertson: 'Insane' To Discuss Transgender Rights While 'Facing Thermonuclear Annihilation'




Ryan Parker

Hey guys, I have listened to your show for a little over a year now. You are the only podcast that I went back and listened to every past episode if because you killed me that much. I can but tell you how many times I've been standing in a line and had the entire occupancy of a building within earshot of my voice turn and look at me like I'm nuts because I have started cracking the hell up out of nowhere, while on occasion spitting water out if my nose... Yeah, that's happened more than once. Thanks... I started going through TSA back log as well since I was introduced to that crew when you guys had Noah and Heath on? Maybe Noah was alone? Either way, I just became a patron a couple of weeks ago to you guys, TSA & GAM. I would listen to all of you on iTunes up until this asshole didn't pay me and now I have this whole issue with Sprint. But that's a whole other story! My point is, I have to listen to you all on an Android phone now. I use an app called Podcast Addict. I want to listen to the patron episodes, but I can only seem to get them to play on a weblink. When I press play on Patreon, it takes me to a Chrome page where the episode plays, but I have no option to rewind 15-30 seconds. Which I do continuously. And, when it plays on my chrome page the volume is a lot lower as well. I know that for some reason, on occasion I was able to dl Noah's show from Patreon and play it in podcast addict where I had the controls I desired. But, other TSA episodes I can't seem to do it. Do you guys have any advice on how I can get this going the way I'd like it? Or is there another app I should try? How about my fellow patrons? Any advice guys and gals? Thanks everyone! Glory hole!

Ryan Parker

I also hate the keyboard on this god damned Android.... .. I want my iPhone back dammit! Soon.... Soon. Allah willing. Speaking of Allah, spoke to him yesterday. He said to say glory hole mother fuckers. I guess he knows you?

Ryan Parker

Hello? Anyone? This thing on?

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

I don't have any advice for this. We would love it if patreon had a good app, as it stands the patreon app has a player that pretty much is like the chrome player, no real controls. The other option is that I recently started adding a google drive link for posts but I am not sure how to download and then play that on an android as I don't use that OS. We send Patreon an email every month asking when the fuck they will get a better app but until they develop it we really are stuck with this tech.

Ryan Parker

Cool. Yeah, I tried downloading it with my Google Drive, but this Android OS is a pain if you aren't familiar with it. Especially coming from being an Apple and Mac guy. Life was so much simpler back those days of yore.... I'll give you one guess what my Google Drive decided to play you guys on? Starts with a G.... Rhymes with bugle foam.... No? Ahhhh who am I kidding? You guys aren't going to be able to guess that shit. Thanks for hitting me back though! Let us know if you find any other good options or if Patreon pulls it's face away from the glory hole long enough to make us a decent player!. Grassy ass, and glory hole gentlemen! And Tom...