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ELITE EXPERT GLORYHOLERS! It would help us in regards to advertisers if you could fill out this demographic form. This ensures only the sexiest ads will be sensuously submitted for subsumption.

Please don't feel pressured - it's only if you feel comfortable providing this info.

Thank you!



Cognitive Dissonance Demographic


David Watt

What if you drank more than ten gallons of eggnog this year?

Michael Petro

Fuck eggnog wtf was that about :)


DISGUSTING to ask about eggnog habits. Some things are just too personal

Ian (no, not that one)

If I'm filling this out, I want a cut of the advertising revenue.

Tracy & her cats

The last question made my stomach hurt. 😖

Shelly Younger

Eggnog is a kink for some ;)......


I mean, I had SOME eggnog... not a gallon. (Ducks under computer to avoid flying uncharitable vulgarity...)

Jody Delauney

I appreciate having the chance to express my 0 eggnog consumption. :D

Nicolette Hardinger

I feel that as a middle-aged, highly educated female who likes eggnog, I am single-handedly fucking up your statistics.

Damien Kennedy

Does this mean no more ... “And speaking of dicks, Adam and Eve.com?” Or is this a Facebook thing?

Chris R

eggnog, too risque even for adam and eve.com...

Jon Pierson

What do you tick if you’ve got two honours bachelors degrees, like me? I don’t really care, I just wanted to brag about having a BSc. and an LL.B.

Jon Pierson

What is egg nog? Is it another one of those American alternatives to food, like American “cheese”?


You are not alone on that middle aged educated female stuff, but egg-nog? NEVER!!! (Shudder)

Michelle C

I am surprised that the advertisers do not distinguish within the super wide band of $45K to $140K a year lol