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Michelle C

Constantine with Keanu Reaves is a delightful movie, even if it's entirely nonsense. I love it.

Jess Donovan

Guys, I'll be shocked if show happens next week. And it's cool, moving house, shitty internet company, absolutely certain cabling problems in new house. It's cool guys, it's super cool.

Chris K

I assume you never read any of the comics, because whatever that film was it wasn't an adaptation of them. There is a not totally awful TV series that gets closer.

Michelle C

You are correct in your assumption. This is the first I'm hearing that it's even based on a comic book. I went back and checked when I read your comment and sure enough, it does briefly say DC Comics in the intro (I'd never heard of Vertigo before, so I assumed it was some movie production company). While I love comic book movies like the MCU, Dark Knight Triology, etc., I've never read any actual comic books and therefore don't particularly care about whether the movies/shows are true to source material that I'm unfamiliar with anyway. Is the TV series good/worth watching given that background?