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Kansas Rep. Mark Samsel arrested for misdemeanor battery

School nurse who said masks were harmful to students suspended

Tests from 1993 killing reveal another man's DNA other than executed Arkansas inmate

TRIGGER WARNING (Ted Cruz mentioned)

Ted Cruz's warning to 'woke CEOs' blasted by former government ethics boss

TRIGGER WARNING (Ted Cruz mentioned)

US Vaccine Hesitancy Is Nothing New. Here's How The Polio Vaccine Overcame It : Shots - Health News

Taking ‘Extraordinary Measures,’ Biden Backs Suspending Patents on Vaccines  

The History Guy




Linda Yancey

OMG. as an Infectious Disease specialist I legit teared up at 36:30. Thanks so much for the support!! Also, epidemiologist rule

Justin Campbell

"Don't lick your eye in public!" I'm dying!!!

White-hat Asshole

I can't speak for this case, because I don't know the order of events, but Fucker Carlson said on one of his recent shows that same bullshit about masks being child abuse.

Diego Guzmán

Omg, I've laughing out loud while walking my dog xD at 6:30 am. This episode helped making the beginning of this fucking monday wayyy better

Scott Lesch

I few years ago I sent you photos of Long Tom and Long Cecil , the cannons from the Boer War.

joshua macdonald

Forgive me if I'm getting this wrong but it was my understanding that up until recently the US ( along with the EU and UK) have been blocking the vaccine waiver. If it is the case that the US has been opposing it, I'm not sure that there should be such high praise for Biden. Biden did say he was for the waiver but why wait so long for something so important, if I'm missing something then I would like to know what it is.

joshua macdonald


Allen Marshall

I don’t know why you have all the Doctor Who sound clips as interstitials this week, but I appreciate them.

Phil Mitchell

If you recall the episode, I thought the character in the Tom Baker clip could have been a good example of a Ted Cruz.

Ryan Parker

Want to hear some dumb shit? I’m part of a group where a lot of these guys are having forged vaccine cards made up. Yes, you heard me. Fake vaccine cards are a serious thing and a growing market right now. I told them how dumb it was. And that eventually they are going to add barcodes and then what? It’s absolutely ridiculous what they are doing.

Ian (no, not that one)

The big Lebowski benefitted tremendously from the hilariously awful TV adaptation (looking at "find a stranger in the alps" here).