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Indian doctors warn against cow dung as COVID cure

Conspiracist: The Unvaccinated Are Being Treated Just Like Jews in the Holocaust

The volunteers using 'honeypot' groups to fight anti-vax propaganda

Why Won't Tucker Carlson Say If He's Taken the Vaccine? We're Just Asking Questions

Florida reports more than 10,000 COVID-19 variant cases, surge after spring break

Gas Pipeline Hack Leads to Panic Buying in the Southeast


Listener Messages

Fucker Darlson Tik Tok



Michelle C

"Doge" is pronounced like "dohj"

Justin Campbell

New rule; people who think a guy walked on water and rose from the dead are never allowed to use the word "sheeple."


I'd bet good money those nutters complaining about the vaccine on air have had the vaccine.


One of my earliest exposures to James Randi was on a show where he debunks a lot of things. In one segment he goes to Russia to investigate magic psychic water. These people thought that they would sell this magic water in the U.S. I remember thinking, "There's no way people will fall for this crap." Guess what? Turns out I was wrong.

Jessica Wilson

There are groups of people advocating the use of urine as an eye rinse as well as drinking it to cure whatever ails you.

Paul Freelend

I don't know if covering one's self in cow dung has fixed a lot of things in history, but it certainly would take care of any concerns around people nearby not social distancing. As for gas in bags, it might be worth treading carefully before sharing. It sounds like some of those images were recycled from 2019. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-plastic-gas-idUSL1N2N023L https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/05/13/fact-check-image-plastic-bags-filled-gas-taken-2019/5075981001/

Eric Denton

Boomers are pro Russia because it is now an all white, anti-gay “Christian” nation.