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Justice Department national security chief resigns over snooping on Democrats

Some Indian Villages Are Refusing COVID Vaccines Due to Religious Superstitions

Teachers Across the Country Are Protesting Laws That Stop Them From Talking About Systemic Racism – Mother Jones

McConnell All But Admits He Would Never Confirm a Biden Supreme Court Pick

Ron Johnson: People Will Die If YouTube Won’t Let Me Give Them Terrible Medical Advice

FBI Warns Lawmakers That QAnon Supporters May Get More Violent: Report

Rep. Jim Jordan Outraged About DOJ Refusal To Investigate Italian Space Laser Election Fraud

'Nowhere Else To Go': Sister Lucy, Who Protested Against Rape Accused Bishop, Expelled From Convent




It's not a local deity unless it comes from the local deity region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling superstition.

Cory Schoelzel

My medical nightmare. I went to the er at age 20, no insurance, got an emergency appendectomy. Got home 3 days later. 22 thousand dollars of bills had beat me home. 71 thousand more would soon follow. Fucked me over haaarrrrd. 9 years later after my teeth tried to murder me for the 4th time. I had to get a loan against both my and my wife's vehicle at a credit union, and have proof I could pay the bill outright before a dental surgeon would even touch me... The system is broken at every possible point you can think of.


I’m 26 and hate going to the doctor because throughout my life I always end up leaving crying. I have had gastritis and stomach problems since I was a kid. The worse was when I was living in Seattle at 19 right after my dad died and I had the worst bout of gastritis I still have ever had to this day, and the doctor refused to help me or check anything out and just gave me an AA flyer as if I was an alcoholic. I’ve never cried so much in a doctors office. I’m always scared of going to the doctor for fear of not being taken seriously and dismissed.

Eric Denton

Our first kid got C Diff in the hospital as a newborn. It was fucking brutal.

Bra Straps and Bitch Slaps

Tom, I am so sorry your family had to go through that. Hayley (Hailey? Haileigh??) seems like a wonderful person who doesn't deserve C Diff's special combination of pain and humiliation. I work in medical records, and half my job is doing release of information to other facilities (or to patients to take to said facilities). My job would be SO much easier and more efficient if we had a national medical record system. Also, it's kind of an unwritten rule that we CANNOT transfer a patient to the doctor, on pain of death and/or unemployment. But they should've at least gotten you to a nurse who could tell you SOMETHING. God, what a nightmare. Let us know if there's anything we can do.

Bra Straps and Bitch Slaps

That sounds fucking horrifying. I had extreme postpartum anxiety and my kid was completely healthy. I can't imagine how hard that must have been. Is the little one okay now?

daniel martin

Tom, what a fucking nightmare! Really sorry to hear that. Thank the god that I don't believe in that I live in the UK. The NHS rocks.

Bica Heilman

I always think of "Senator Kelly", aka that jellyfish guy, from x men, when I see Mitch McConnell.

Jessica Wilson

My sister was not able to go to MD Anderson in Houston Tx for a treatment that could have saved her life. They would not even review her charts without paying $19000 fee upfront. They would not work with her insurance. Her oncologist couldn’t get permission to have the treatment from the clinical trial done at UCSD in time for it to make a difference. She may still have died even if she got the treatment, but we will always be left wondering what if.

Patrick Carr

I went to West Virginia once, years ago, with my ex to visit her father. I couldn’t get out of that state fast enough. Admittedly, the landscape is beautiful, but I’ve never been anywhere more depressing.

Mara S.

My heart goes out to your wife, Tom. I had the exact same experience back in 2016: I became horribly ill with C. diff, and my symptoms were initially dismissed as an ulcerative colitis flare-up (I am blessed with 4 autoimmune diseases). When I finally got diagnosed, the insurance company forced me to take an ineffectual antibiotic, because it was cheaper than the medication my doctor wanted me to take. I very nearly died. I dealt with 3 re-infections, and by the time I was eligible for an FMT, it was too late. Doctors had to remove my entire colon. I live with an ileostomy now. The whole ordeal was an absolute nightmare, and I still deal with the trauma I experienced because of our broken medical system. On a more positive note, your podcast was one of the things that helped me survive that time in my life, so I thank you for that gift.


Jessica, I’m truly so very sorry for your loss. 🥲

cory hill

I get my health care through the Veterans Administration when my results come back my doctor calls me to discuss it. I might wait a while but they can always see me. When I have the flu I can go to the doctor and they're going to help me out that day. When I hear horror stories about private insurance it makes me appreciate what I have. People shouldn't need to be fucked up in the military to get good healthcare.

Fame and fortune guaranteed in the state of Tintucky

I thought we couldn't have Medicare for all because of the wait times. You're talking a couple months I've had stuff scheduled out 3 months at the soonest. As for records it's frustrating. I tried a hormone therapy because my doctor advised it since it was the obvious problem but if she had seen my records from another organization she would have started the months long process to get on growth hormone. She passed off my mention of growth hormone when I first met because she thought I'd read Google when I told her I'd been told by the other institution that growth hormone could be a problem. I now do everything with Nebraska Medicine. I consider medical records when I go anywhere.