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She's a human




Eric Denton

Pat Roberson doesn’t want people to learn about his fathers senate career…


The problem with the Hebrew language is it died, but was resurrected (am I sensing a theme here?). Tanniym (pronounced taneem) is a land or sea monster (https://biblehub.com/hebrew/8577.htm). While interpreted as a serpent, dragon, sea serpent or jackal, that's entirely subjective based on context. Why not some other land "monster"? Say, a wolf instead of a jackal. A quick check of the dictionary does show that words do have multiple meanings. Just look up the word post. You can post a post that you received in the post to a post. (You can attach a notice that you received in the mail to a pole.)


Free Brittany: John Oliver talks about guardianship. Sad and scary. Someone can strip you of your civil rights and be put in charge of your life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xlol-SNQRU