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Weekly book club discussion board for the current chapter we are reading, chapter 3.

Drop your comments and questions below for Chapter 3 of Demon Haunted World. We will try to be in here adding our own thoughts as well as addressing them on the next episode. 

Tom's audio recording will be a separate post, this is just so we can get your thoughts before we record the show for this chapter!


Diego Guzmán

What's interesting about giving meaning to patterns is that they don't need to be "visual" ones. We search and find patterns in our continuous experience (in my understanding, our reality can be summarized in what agents and patterns we "find".) For instance, our tendency to assume that if something happened before another thing, then it must be its cause. This is why magic works: we use people's assumptions; assumptions that are born and updated because of the day to day found patterns.

daniel martin

I haven't read it but have listened to every chapter so far. Some of the prose is almost poetic. Not necessarily what I expected from a scientist. I have never seen his TV show (not sure it aired in the UK). Sagan's love of science is woven through every line. Also, great job with the reading Tom! 👏 Dan Martin, Liverpool, UK.

Chris Gill

I got this on Audible a few months ago as skeptics always site it as inspirational. I found it dated (not surprisingly) and "telling me stuff I already know". Because Tom and Cecil are covering it in their book club I decided to re listen (chapter for chapter along with Tom and I am getting a much better experience this time around. Thanks Guys.

Chris Gill

I am a service engineer and I cannot help but think that every dropped bolt that gets wedged where I cannot grab it has a personal hatred of me.