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Kabul’s Sudden Fall to Taliban Ends U.S. Era in Afghanistan

North Carolina is child bride destination; bill could end it

Biden administration approves largest increase to food assistance benefits in SNAP program history

Keep supporting Modest Needs at modestneeds.org 



Princess Thunderballs

Thank you guys for the roast on Maureen Walsh! Beautiful!! If there was ever a better time to show appreciation for our medical workers now is the time. They are all experiencing fatigue and are dropping out left and right.

Princess Thunderballs

So to all the medical workers out there. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SEVICE!!


Tom, I have to thank you. Even though my ex wasn't part of any of the roasts, several of the roasts you've delivered upon other people's ex's were cathartic by proxy, and helped me get past my divorce. Thank you.

Bra Straps and Bitch Slaps

Cecil, I too have Resting Approachable Face. I’m from Texas. I got approached for directions when I was in LONDON.

Aaron Rodriguez

Guys, I do have one question after hearing about your concealed carry story: Respectfully, do you see yourselves doing back in a few years to renew something you admittedly say is basically unsafe and pointless? I’ve thought about getting a permit but now I really don’t see the point.

Nicolette Hardinger

My spouse started the process of getting a concealed carry and abandoned it after the class but before the range test. They stopped because our city includes tribal areas within the city limits ,and you don't always know where tribal lands starts and ends. If you get stopped/pulled over/whatever in tribal lands the penalties are so much steeper, and tribes don't have the same gun laws. Spouse decided it was too much hassle to complete.