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'Dear Dad, It's Just A Pinch' — Readers Share Letters Inspired By Vaccine Hesitancy

The FDA Is Begging You Not to Take Horse Dewormer for Covid-19

Dan Patrick Blames COVID-19 Surge On Black Residents

Alabama man threatens Walmart with "execution" for giving Covid shots

Mike Lindell Accuses TruNews of Being a 'Fake News' Front Established by Media Matters

Anti-Defamation League Calls On Maine Lawmaker To Apologize After Comparing Mills To Nazi Doctor

Former Huntington Beach Mayor Pro Tem Tito Ortiz Likens Mask Mandates to the Holocaust

North Carolina is child bride destination; bill could end it

Biden administration approves largest increase to food assistance benefits in SNAP program history

Christian Blogger Shames Working Moms: Your Kid May Have Sex If You’re Not Home

Opinion | A More Secular America Is Not Just a Problem for Republicans

Hospitals and Insurers Didn’t Want You to See These Prices. Here’s Why.

Taliban tell Afghan women to stay home because soldiers are 'not trained' to respect them

Zambian prophet trying to recreate resurrection of Jesus dies after being buried alive






Cory Schoelzel

The ignorance doesn't piss me off, but the arrogant ignorance that so many people seem to have that puts my empathy on life support.

Tj Bullis

For me it's the willful ignorance. It's when you point out that someone might not know 100% of what they're saying, and they refuse to learn more.

Michele Wickham

So sorry to hear that Hailey is sick. Wishing you all well.


Tom, I hope you and Hailey will please accept my warmest, most sincere sympathies and most heartfelt best wishes for Hailey’s healing and recovery from the health challenges, pain and frustration that she is directly experiencing. and which you are also experiencing alongside her. 💜 I’m so sorry y’all are struggling with that, and I truly hope it can be resolved soon! Hugs 🤗 to you both! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ************************************************ I’ve liked/followed/joined y’all on ALL the platforms, but I don’t really engage in social media very much anymore. The ever-widening pervasiveness of willful ignorance and abject stupidity became too much for me, and I had to bail for my own well-being. I haven’t actually visited Facebook in about 6 months. I only go to Twitter about once a week, and only for purposes of harassing Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton because as a Texan, I hate them soooo much for being the evil, horrible, corrupt and derelict pieces of shit that they are, and because they each are a clear and present danger to public health and safety, and both pose enormous risks to overall state and national security - individually, together, and collectively with their state Republican colleagues and all their dumbfuck supporters. I don’t know how to get on Discord anymore, though I did join the CogDis Discord several months ago. Apparently, since then, some kind of NSFW-related blocker has been put in place which prevents iOS users from accessing Discord servers. I have an iPhone and idk how to bypass that block. I’ve tried googling the issue but the stuff I found made no sense to me. Also, I’m not a gamer …. Is there’s anyone around here who can please help me with the Discord issue??I’m old and I’m no longer as tech savvy as I used to be! 😢 Plus, I’m extremely impatient and I have ADD, and can’t/won’t spend the time to independently keep trying to figure it out. 😏 Just being honest. 🤷‍♀️

Tank Profane

if you go to the warning letters section of the fda's website, it is a treasure trove of piss me off fuel. a quick search on ivermectin brought up this beauty... https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/warning-letters/rxmedkartcom-615763-07202021

Diego Guzmán

Tom, best of luck with your family's health issues.

Alex Martinez

Thinking about Carl Sagan’s book and how the mind can play tricks on us, I reflected on how people who have “visions” of Jesus seem to always see him as the pale skin, blonde, blue eyed Eurocentric figure of the mainstream. If they really saw “Jesus” he would be a brown skinned man with dark hair.

Brandi Mattison

Agreed. So many contemporary sightings of their beloved lord & savior as he was depicted by Renaissance artists (European). It’s rare to hear a claim that Jesus was a Palestinian with textured hair (like it says in the Bible). #theracismshows