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Cawfee taulk.. ill give you a topic. 

This chapter is neither a chap nor a ter... discuss.



I can't tawk about it right now, I'm all verklempt.

Diego Guzmán

To think that a month ago I had to listen to a coworker that told us that she had had an encounter with elves. She didn't see them, but assumed that a weird situation was their doing. This wasn't the apparition of a saint or Mary the mother of God, but something special that happened to her. She, of course, was the center of attention, as she is good at telling stories. In fact, always having an special anecdote to share. We were having lunch together at the office, so I decided to avoid any "confrontation". Nevertheless, I was flabbergasted by the willingness of most of my coworkers to believe such an idiotic story. I could blame her of wanting to be the center of attention, but some people have "experienced" magical or extraterrestrial things, and just don't share it. It's hard to blame people that truly believe false ideas.

Patrick Carr

I remember when this happened in Chicago. I went by one day to see how people were reacting, and I kept wanting to shout “it’s a stain!” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_the_Underpass

Niamh Coghlan

I have a whole pantheon of made up gods and fairies, including the Red Light God, who without a steady stream of worship will ensure you hit every red light. and the Sock Fairy, who steals one sock from every load of laundry. They amuse me.

Diego Guzmán

Holy sh... Today I was blessed by the Red Light God XDDD I hate him so much. And it might be that the sock fairy steals socks just to use them as balaclava when she is going to rob a bank.