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Fact Check: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's Misleading Remarks On The State's Abortion Law

QAnon Conspiracy Theorists Harass Northwest Side Hospital That Rejected Unproven Ivermectin Treatment For COVID Patient

3 Vermont state troopers resign after scheming to create 'fraudulent COVID-19 vaccination cards'

Recall candidate Larry Elder says sex ed ‘has no role in school’ in message to Rocklin church

Spanish bishop resigned over his love for a writer of satan-themed erotic fiction

United Airlines staff granted religious exemptions to vaccine mandate will be put on unpaid leave

The Satanic Temple begins legal maneuver to skirt Texas' new abortion ban




Mark H

Gods no. Single-Term limits MIGHT incentivize some to do well, but it would incentivize others to burn it all down even faster. After all, they’d have no reason to try an impress anyone if they couldn’t be re-elected. Just imagine how Trump would see a term limit like that. It would incentivize him to push to change the rules and get himself elected for life. It could make everything catastrophically worse

Scott Lesch

Reagan was working in Hollywood for the War Department. He reviewed film footage coming from the fronts. He saw film of the liberation concentration camps . These films had to be shocking enough for Reagan to eventually put himself in the story when speaking of his.

Ian (no, not that one)

Hey guys. As someone who works in Government, the reason for the different color tickets for free lunches vs paid ones is more than likely something as mundane as that the school claims that they have X number of kids on the free lunch program and needs to turn in some kind of "book" to justify requesting the funding for that program. So it's the greatest for of evil; accounting.

Diego Guzmán

My sister had an abortion. She doesn't have the resort nor the mental health to raise a child. Having a child would had been terrible. Hey! And she normally avoids getting pregnant with contraceptive products. But I guess she wasn't that careful that time. Fuck off if you think that, if she got pregnant, she should have the child almost as punishment

Jess Donovan

I love the idea (in a laughing is better than crying sorta way) that that being the reason for different colors, it stops teachers and schools rorting the system. Otherwise those bastards might spend their ill gotten gains on pens and paper and stuff.

Trevor Butler

During the discussion of chapter 8 of Demon Haunted World, Tom and Cecil mentioned how malleable human memory is. Malcolm Gladwell has a podcast called “Revisionist History” and there is an episode that discusses just this. It’s called “Free Brian Williams,” S3E4. It’s a great episode and I highly recommend it!


Talking about people being lazy about vaccines... here in Wyoming, (above Colorado, below Montana, flanked by Idaho on the left and Nebraska and South Dakota on the right, btw ;) ) the state government has started doing give aways and lotteries for getting vaccinated. You can win a few hundred bucks, a Switch, or one of 3 or 4 different guns, if you get your jab and email a copy of your card in. It started last month and goes until October, new guns and cash to be given away each month. Where the fuck is my reward for not being a plague vector!? These shitgibbons pose a clear and present danger to themselves, their families, and everyone within the sound of smell of their person, and they get a fucking reward for it?!! Not that I want a gun, and I have a Switch, but some cashy-money is always welcome, but no, those rewards are reserved for the assholes... ~ Aaron

Bowl of Piss Water

I live in Washington. My employer is requiring vaccination as a condition of employment. We have to submit a photo of our card to a third party site that cross checks the information with what the department of health has on file. So, there's at least that little security on the vaccine records.


FUCK Texas! FUCK Greg Abbott! FUCK Ken Paxton! Signed, Super Annoyed, Always Exhausted Texan I am just so sick of the shit. 🤬


The Texas abortion law has no footing. Check out the precedent setting lawsuit Larkin v Grendels Den. It is constitutionally illegal, thus prohibited, for private entities to be granted governmental enforcement powers of any kind. The Texas abortion law is nothing more than a political distraction.


The ice cream parlor is in Post, TX.

Fame and fortune guaranteed in the state of Tintucky

Johnson and Johnson isn't a traditional vaccine. They use CRISPR to replace the Adenovirus payload with the mRNA for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The Adenovirus better protects the mRNA than the protein-lipid shell used in the other vaccines. mRNA is extremely fragile. The protein-lipid shell is similar to putting medicine in peanut butter and feeding it to your dog but it's not nearly as protective which is why you need the lower temperatures and additional dose to get a similar affect because you have a higher rate of degraded, inactive mRNA compared to the standard-freezer 1-dose, Johnson&Johnson. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janssen_COVID-19_vaccine?wprov=sfla1