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Better Help Shares Online Therapy Data With Facebook

Images of Border Patrol’s Treatment of Haitian Migrants Prompt Outrage)

Pentagon Acknowledges Aug. 29 Drone Strike in Afghanistan Was Tragic Mistake

Nolte: Howard Stern Proves Democrats Want Unvaccinated Trump Voters Dead

Memo shows Trump lawyer's six-step plan for Pence to overturn the election

Fact-Checking Is Actually Very Effective In Challenging Disinformation

MAGA Cultist Who Said He’d Shoot Anyone Trying to Vaccinate Him Now Has COVID

Shoutout to these bumpers!









I read the Breitbart letter a few days ago. It immediately struck me that this was an absolutely brilliant bit of subversive rhetoric. Think about the iq/wisdom (remember, they’re two different dice rolls for a reason) of the typical conspiracy/Q/antivax/MAGAT. They didn’t logic themselves into this position. Thus, they can’t be logic-d (if that’s not a word it should be) out of it. That writer used every right wing, fundy trope to make the article FEEL appealing to vax deniers. And told them to get vaccinated to pwn the libs at their own game. Which is what we smart/left-leaning folks want. It was designed to hook Breitbart readers and get tweeted all over Right Wing Twitter. And get the facts about who is sick and dying out there in a way which just might get a few spite-deniers to take the jab—out of spite. At this point we MUST abandon the Marquis de Queensbury’s rules of boxing for gentlemanly gentlemen. Gloves off. This writer won’t convince everyone. Hell, they won’t come close to convincing more than 5-10% of unvaxxed readers of that vile website But hey, even 5% is another inch towards herd immunity. And that’s a selfish enough reason for me.

Niamh Coghlan

I love it when I'm fact-checked. I don't want to believe wrong things or worse, SPREAD the wrong things.

B. King

To be fair, with seatbelts your fucking car beeps at you constantly until you put it on. So unless you're deaf you or have a car built pre 1990, the constant nagging sound makes you use it if you're inclined to not do so.

Niamh Coghlan

That is a fair point. However, we can say "A mask and proof of vaccination required for entry" is simply the new nagging sound.

B. King

Agreed. Now we just need it to be as frequent and unavoidable as the car beep.


Uhhh, can we get that Jezabel article on Better Help? I used to use them before I had med insurance (hated their service btw) and have had friends and family ask me about them before, but this is a new level of "fuck that shit" that I would like to share with my people about them.

Abigail Altabef

Thank you for dropping better help. In the TikTok I saw about this people were tagging pods and this is the first one I’ve heard where the podcasters have said they dropped better help

Chris K

I saw this and thought of you :D : https://imgur.com/8g20lpu

Dean A. Batha

It sounds like Breitbart is trying to encourage the MAGA crowd to get vaccinated to "own the libs."