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LET'S PLAY A GAME.... guess the theme of the bumpers.

Show Notes

Trump says Republicans won't vote in 2022 or 2024 unless his bogus election fraud claims are 'solved'

Minneapolis Police Caught on Video 'Hunting' Activists

Marjorie Taylor Greene tried to celebrate Columbus Day but failed miserably

Marjorie Taylor Greene rants that Fauci won't prescribe ivermectin 'even though it won a Nobel Peace Prize'

Mike Lindell now claims he's found people as old as 850 years who voted in 2020 election: report

Catholic priests in France tell police about all child sexual abuse allegations, even if heard in confession



Jess Donovan

This made it big in Australia and made me mad: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/oct/18/northern-territory-chief-minister-and-us-senator-ted-cruz-in-twitter-spat-over-covid-vaccines

Jason Wright

I'm one of the ones that found you through Citation Needed, but I've listened ever since and have been a patron since I could afford to give anything! Thank you so much for covering Demon-Haunted World. That is the closest thing I have to a Bible; I own at least 4 copies, but I can't see particularly well right now so hearing it read by Tom is a real pleasure. It also affords the opportunity to introduce it to my young-earth creationist wife while she sews. After hearing the first chapter, she asked when we could listen to more!

cory hill

I think everyone might be wrong about the Cyber Ninja story. They came up with the results they did because they didn't want to be sued into oblivion.

Tank Profane

Hey guys (yes, even Ian), I hope this note finds you well and relaxed and after you have returned from holiday. I wanted to add a little bit of info to some of the FDA and 40mm "less than lethal" rounds stuff to your block of knowledge if you are interested. The FDA has a pre-enforcement thing called "Warning Letters" - since it is a government agency, the post those on their website. outside of the food and drug folks, most people don't know these exist and that they can be searched. Main page here: https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/compliance-actions-and-activities/warning-letters And yes, you can search for "Jim Bakker": https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/warning-letters/jim-bakker-show-604820-03062020 and, "ivermectin" even without looking for off label use: https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/warning-letters/rxmedkartcom-615763-07202021 and, yes, even "alex jones" got one: https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/warning-letters/free-speech-systems-llc-dba-infowarscom-605802-04092020 The warning letters page gives me joy and sorrow. If you were unfamiliar with it, it is a light in darkness. Even reputable pharma and food companies get them too. Also, people think that livestock and pet foods/meds are unregulated, but they have rules for them too and they are not all that different from the regulations for foods/meds for humans: https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary Regarding the 40mm projectiles story in the last episode, if you don't know, 40mm rounds are launched with an M203 grenade launcher. Yup, grenade launcher. While there are lots of different cartridges that you can launch with them, the 'less than lethal" rounds are a police favourite. I get that visually they look far different from a shotgun - another reason the pistol launchers are preferred as they look like a purpose made less than lethal projectile launch, but is is a grenade launcher by any other name. Garand Thumb is probably the least problematic of the "Gun Tubers" and he has done a few videos on the M203. This video (about 20 minutes) is a good (?) overview of an M203 pistol (about 8 minutes in, he shoots a car with a CS round - tear gas, same thing that they shoot at crowds (not into like they are supposed to) - and yes, it goes through the window...) and (about 11:20 he shoots the car with a foam tipped round) and (16:40 he explains how you are supposed to skip less lethal rounds): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC9vZiqj38g And this video shows what could happen if a police officer "loads the wrong round" in their 40mm launcher. not pretty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG3j48dzlGc These are not the types of things that civilian "law enforcement officers" have any business shooting at other civilians. Well, my thoughts anyway. Sorry to be so disjointed and frenetic. It's been a long week. Thanks for the show. I learn so much about myself and the world around me with every episode. -Frank (long time listener, first time messenger)

Tank Profane

Looks like I missed the second video in that article. I don't think those blue tipped cartridges are less than lethal, foam tipped rounds. They look a lot like chalk rounds. Something that shouldn't be shot at civilians for "crowd control" - they are made to replicate the ballistics of a high explosive (he) round for training.


Never trust the police. Ever! Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The police are not there to serve and protect. First of all, it's just a job; the perfect job for bullies. All good intentions quickly turn to jade. Second, they trample over rights because they have the power to, and a system that has their back. They don't care about quality or constitutional rights. Warrant not signed by a judge? No matter, the police will sign it themselves. Answering their questions, no matter how innocent seeming, can land you in prison for a crime you didn't do. They want to catch the bad guy, often they do, but at the end of the day, for too many, anyone serving the sentence to get the case closed will do. If there's a media frenzy, there's even more pressure to get a conviction. Exercising your right to an attorney? They will pretend to be "on duty" lawyers and advise you to confess. Once in court, it will come out that you are innocent. Third, they are a brotherhood out to serve their own interests, use the "dregs" of society for sport, and take their anger out on the public, particularly minorities. Serpico wasn't just a movie, police corruption is as systemic as racism. They are corrupt and rotten to the core. It is best to assume every cop is a piece of shit thug, unless they prove otherwise. Sure, they're "not all" bad, but they are accessories to corruption, violence, and murder (how many police have stood by while one of them kneeled on a victims neck?), and they lack the spine to stand up to a system and culture of malfeasance. (To be fair, not many people do, and the consequence are dire. Our society values loyalty above all else.) Let's finish the cliche: A few bad apples, SPOILS THE LOT. I don't want to have this attitude, but I have to. Even as a white person, I worry about any interaction with police. My skin color doesn't protect me from the police, it just means I won't be treated as badly as quickly. I can't imagine what it's like for minorities who have an even greater reason to fear and despise the police. Anecdote: A friend's father ran a security company. He responded one night to an alarm at a school and requested a police escort. He noticed the officer was extremely agitated and asked him if everything was okay. The officer responded that in the next town over, the police were chasing a suspect who ran into an open door in a house. Turns out the house belonged to the officer's father. Mistaking his father for the suspect, they arrested him. Apparently, they also roughed him up. The officer went to the town and confronted the one who roughed his dad up. "I don't know what you're talking about" was the response. The officer responded with "I know what you did. I'm a police officer as well. I know exactly what goes on." My friend's father was shocked. If he had a problem with what happened to his father, how come he didn't have a problem with it happening to other suspects?