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California plans to be abortion sanctuary if Roe overturned

Pressley introducing resolution to strip Boebert of committee assignments

Lin Wood Says Marjorie Taylor Greene on Side of Devil, Deep State

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Mocks Lauren Boebert Over Christmas Gun Photo



Renate Pelate

Thank you for another great set of roasts. In particular, Toms roast of doctors. As a middle aged woman with a couple of chronic illnesses and a mental disorder to boot, I've had doctors speak to me as if I'm 5 and below average intelligence more than a few times. When I try to explain that my dumbstruck look isn't because I don't understand the meaning of their words, it's because I'm baffled that they can't seem to recognize another rational and intelligent person when they're looking right into my face, it doesn't seem to help the communication. Next time I'll just play Toms roast instead. The suicide roast was beautifully done as well. Also, sounds like you lot is one car ride with Eli away from Noah folding his hands and ploclaiming "Dear God, please let Jesus take the wheel, it would be so much safer. Amen."


Speaking of the Lin Wood-Greene-MAGA love triangle, I am reminded of when it was consplained (conservative say things to me) about how tyrants function - seriously, without any irony during the last administration - using Stalin as the prime example. I was informed that he killed everyone around him because he knew that if their roles were reversed, he'd try to kill them to take over. It seems inevitable that a movement rife with conspiracy thinking, seeing the devil and deep state everywhere, would eventually, Ouroboros, turn on itself.

Bowl of Piss Water

Not only have engineers spent lifetimes trying to keep drivers from dying of their own stupidity, we've accepted that there's always going to be a shockingly creative idiot who evades all the traffic safety measures.

Mark H

Let’s be honest: Rockford drivers are the worst. Chicagoans mostly know which side of the road Americans drive on.

Mark H

Loves park, huh? I dated a girl from there back in the day! I went to Harlem HS for a year or so


I know this is a lot to ask but me and my friend listen to this book together I've already gone through it. They've been relatively receptive but I need to always be there for the review because they are in interested in the pod cast. Would it be possible at the end of the book for you to release just the reviews part so they can be listen to let's say a a playlist of chapter then review rinse and repeat

Godless Goth

Just a note for the guys if they read the comments: hijab is pronounced "hee-jahb" and the type that includes covering the lower face (but NOT covering the eyes) is hijab with niqab (nuh-kahb), not burka.