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Hey Patrons! You get 6 more minutes of off topic (but still amusing) interview. Listen after the Skeptic's Creed. Thanks for the support! Also - We are giving out some shirts this episode. If you are a patron and you are going to the Humanism at Work Conference in Chicago, let us know. We'd like to get you a shirt if you want one. Your choice on design. http://humanismatwork.org/ ------------------ Dr. Oz Grilled By Senator Over “Miracle” Weight-Loss Claims Muslim terrorists kill dozens of Kenyans who fail Islam quiz Boko Haram Attack in Nigeria Killed 400, Officials Say Evangelist Benny Hinn, Citing Financial Teacher Todd Coontz, Asks Supporters to Donate $1,000 in 'Higher Seed-Level Giving' Dutch Sheets: God Needs An Army To Save America From 'Demonic' Destruction McAleese: asking bishops’ advice on family life ‘bonkers’ Christian Metal Star Convicted of Attempted Murder Admits He Was Secretly Atheist Robert Gagnon At FRC: Bible Says Gay Sex Worse Than Incest NEWS STORY: South Florida Students Mourn The Loss Of Two Beloved Teachers DONATION LINK: http://www.gofundme.com/a4w7ic http://www.rokuguide.com/channels/sound-reason



Lisa Mallette

Stoopidly, I listened after the Skeptic's Creed and got...nuttin'. It's because I waited for the "official" podcast on Monday (duh). Is there a simple way to d/l the earlier releases to my MP3 player without using ITunes? it's so much easier and faster to let the "official" version d/l automagically via wireless, but now I'm actually missing out on stuff. Pooh.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

Supposedly patreon is comping out with an ap. If they do it might be easier to get the content that way early. I am looking into a protected RSS feed too but I'd like to see what patreon is doing with the ap first.