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Candace Owens: Trump Is Pro-Vax Because He's 'Too Old' to Understand the Internet

Ghislaine Maxwell Is Found Guilty of Aiding in Epstein's Sex Abuse - The New York Times

A Divided World United to Launch the James Webb Space Telescope - The New York Times

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls It 'Wise' to Bar Democrats Who Move to Red States From Voting

Rand Paul Inadvertently Tells The Truth About Republican Voter Fraud Claims | HuffPost Latest News

Shoutout to the band Good Thyme, "Those Without"

Ruined New Years Eve





I've never experienced Chicago drivers, so I can't compare; but the worst drivers I've ever seen were in Kuwait and Qatar. Speed limits didn't mean anything with people doing 60mph in residential areas and 100+ on the highway. Lane stripes were just street decorations, with 3 lane roads running 5 wide, and thats before you count the guys driving down the sidewalk. Also, totally agree on the voter ID idea. Someone should sponsor that bill and call the R's bluff.

Justin Chubb

In regards to the next book for the book club I think Rise of the Warrior Cop by Radley Balko could be a good choice. I listened to the audible version a couple of months ago and I thought it was really good. I learned a good amount of new information about policing in the United States and even had a number of legitimate moments where my jaw dropped hearing some of the things that police have been doing for decades. Definitely a substantial shift from the current book but I think it would spark interesting conversations between Tom and Cecil as well as in the audience as a whole.

Antibody Mediated TERF Rejection

In relation to the covid tests: it’s a kinda similar situation in the UK, except they’re free. The trick is finding one because the supply is so limited. I’m lucky that I have easy access because I work in a hospital lab but everyone else is left waiting in physical or virtual queues to try and get them

Antibody Mediated TERF Rejection

An couple interesting options for books are The Transgender Issue: An Argument for Justice, which looks at the way culture and society (particularly in the UK) have failed trans folx. The other is Superior: The Return of Race Science, which does a very good job of breaking down the pseudoscience of race

Tango of the Robes

May I suggest the next book be Radley Balko's Rise of the Warrior Cop? I read it quite a while ago. I read it, and then years later it really informed some of my opinions as I was watching all of the BLM marches and the reaction to them unfold. It's not a comfortable read, but an informative one that covers an important topic.


Newsweek: "...influx in people moving out..." Influx: noun - an arrival or entry of large numbers of people or things. Are they coming or going? Both? And ff you want to come, head on over to Adam & Eve.


I don’t know what genre of book suggestions you are looking for, but Pure by Linda Kay Klein delves into the whole Purity Culture damaged so many of us in religious places. On a side note, I would pay and embarrassing amount of money for Tom to read the Belgariad by David Eddings.


Which platform for the live stream is best for you? Do you make money on the live streams on one of the platforms?

Tim Niemiec

Book suggestion- Speak Of The Devil: How The Satanic Temple Is Changing The Way We Talk About Religion by Joseph P. Laycock

Matthew from Talking About the Big Stuff Podcast

Book suggestion - The Founding Myth - Why Christian Nationalism Is Unamerican by Andrew Seidel (FFRF attorney) It's a great debunking of all the claims about America being a Christian nation. And, bonus, Andrew is easy to reach out to and have on the show (without having to have séance like you would for Sagan) to discuss the book before or after reading it. https://andrewlseidel.com/book/

White-hat Asshole

Book suggestion: Thinking, Fast and Slow Worst driver argument suggestion: it has nothing to do with the state, or the other drivers. It's all about you, and it always is. When you're at home, you know the roads, and you generally know what to expect. When you are driving away from home, you are less sure of what to expect, so it's harder to gage what is expected in that state/area. Away from home, you're more likely to be a gracious and careful guest; at home, you know when someone is fucking it up for everyone, and it ain't you.

Simon Sakatos

Rise of the Warrior Cop is fucking amazing book!