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Patreon has a new App that has a better player. Check it out and see if that works better for people having issues.

Trump Rally Closes In Prayer Asking Him To Stand Firm Against Satan

GOP Lawmaker Dick Black: Hillary Clinton's Immigration Policy Is 'Ethnic Cleansing'

Former KKK Leader David Duke Is Running For Senate Because Donald Trump Is Championing His Issues

Michael Savage: Hillary Clinton 'Looks Like Stalin's Housekeeper'

We will be posting to patreon where we will be on Saturday evening when we are in Louisville, KY. We’ll let you know hopefully a few hours before we show up.

Suggestions on places to meet by any local patrons are welcome. 



Martin Fidel

Which Saturday are you going to be in KY?


Sorry my username tripped you up. Megadyptes is the scientific classification of the yellow eyed penguin. And 412 is the Pittsburgh area code. Lord Stanley bitches!


Erm, the new player on iPhone is... Wow. Um special. It's downloading over itself multiple time and I think I've heard the intro 6 times now. I'm pretty sure I know it's because I'm impatient and I pressed play multiple times in anger when it looked like nothing was happening, and it restarted its file and appended to whatever local file it has open. I'm going to have to drop out of this soon, cos kids, and I wonder how it deals with multitasking and restarting. I'm not hopeful...

Eric Denton

App still sucks.