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Post your questions here. We will be picking most of them from our patreon page so get them in for this Thursday. I would err on the side of getting them in by Wednesday night. And tune into the livestream this Thursday 9pm central.


Ian (no, not that one)

If, hypothetically, some variation of "use code glory at checkout" was posted on another Discord, for example the "Puzzle in a Thunderstorm" guys, 7 times in the last month. How would you feel?

Sara Eliser

The fiancé and I were watching your last livestream and we tried to figure out what watches you wear. We are watch collectors, and we are just wondering if you are too. So the question we have is: are you watch guys?

Hidin' from Broseidon Biden

Since Trump has effectively announced his presidential run for 2024 and based on Cecil's comments in episode 613 (I think?) about how all 3 branches will be red in 2022/2024, how likely do you think it will be that he beats Biden?

Not Ketchup Banksy

(No last name on air, please) I love all you do, including the fundraisers. Cecil, I love your cooking videos. What are the top 5 or 10 mistakes people make when cooking at home?

Bra Straps and Bitch Slaps

What's something fans of yours do that you can't fucking stand? What's something fans don't do/don't do enough that you wish they would?


Kind of long question, sorry. I was trekking in Spain last fall and met some Germans. We got talking about the failed coup. One of the Germans asked me what Imwoukd h

Tracy & her cats

And where do you get your different graphic (or similar) tees? Like last stream's Nessie (on Cecil, I think?)

Xenia Isadora Flowers

Would y'all both want to do the pod full time? How much would it have to make for y'all both to do that?

Dr. Shapiro’s Dry Ass P-Word

I have a serious question (sorry for being a Debbie Downer): if one of your family members finds themselves spiraling deep in religiosity or conspiracy theories, when would you consider intervening? I am the sole atheist in my immediate family and recently a sibling had what seems like a break with reality that happened to fall in line with my family’s religious beliefs. Needless to say they were prickly about me in particular stating that she might need to see a mental health professional, and I’ve been reluctant to push the issue further. I hope this question also helps anyone dealing with family members who’ve fell down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole.

Tracy & her cats

Will you guys (Ian, included) ever play games together online again, like that Sunday playing that goose game? Holy shit, that was hilarious. 🦢


Crap, can’t type. Anyway some Germans and AMERICANS SITTING around drinking beer and we were asked what We would have done if Trump had been gaveled in as president by Congress in the failed coup. One American said I’d move to Europe. I blurted not me I’d stay and fight for my country.. very interesting the German said what would you be willing to do though? Take up arms? Civil war 2.0? I have thought a lot about that as I watch Republicans maneuver to override the Will of the people in the already fucked up electoral college. I still don’t know what I would have done or what I will do if there is a blatant power grab. You ever think about things like that?

Patrick Duganz

Why do you think so many people become conservative as they age?


To Cecil: what has been the most memorable culinary experience you’ve had?


to Tom: what literary work has impacted you most profoundly


How is Hailey doing. Is the mystery ailment resolved or diagnosed?

Francisco Polzin

How do you guys view Unitarian- Universalism?

Narglefargle R. Uglyhead

For Tom, Cecil, and even Ian: What is your favorite album, and why?

Proud mom of fur babies

I don't remember if you guys ever talked about this on the podcast, but when and where did you 2 meet?

Sebastian The Great

Whats your guy's favorite movies, favorite general movie/show genre?

Ghost Walker

If money wasn't a concern what would the two of you be doing for work? Tom, would you be a writer? Cecil, would you be a chef of some type (pastry for example)?

Adrian the science enthusiast

How come Ian never shows his face live on the stream? Is it because he resembles Gary? Also I can do a DDR charity show for Modest Needs with Ian because it is my guilty pleasure.

Lucky McChancey

Are there any recipes or cookbooks you would recommend for someone who wants to minimize time spent preparing and cooking meals?


I would love for you guys to officially name me your favorite mail lady.

Jess Donovan

Any chance of guesting on d and d minus?


Can we have, just one more time, the bumper “long black cock”? Followed by Tom’s infectious laughter. That will save the world. Thank you

Paul Freelend

How do stay positive -- if you, in fact, do -- amid all the everything that's happening? It feels like you have to go out of your way not to doomscroll on social media these days. I know there isn't necessarily a binary choice between staying informed and preserving one's mental health, but I'm having a hell of a time striking a balance between the two.

Christopher Brownell

Way way back you had a few episodes where you aired the Skeptics Creed set to music that listeners made. Is that compilation available anywhere? Some of those were hilarious along with the Long black co… er um Call to prayer mods.

Kendallyn Frost

Have you always considered yourselves feminists & LGBTQ+ allies or were those positions you came to over time? If, so what were some things that shifted your mindsets?

Reynold Hall

So...how did Andrew get mixed up with you guys?

Chris Ward

3 Part question about guests: 1. Who has been your favourite guest? 2. Which guest had the biggest impact on you and/ or how you view the world 3. Who is a guest that you would love to have on the show? Alive or Dead


In the past people were buried with the items they would need in the afterlife, what would you want buried with you so you could use it in the afterlife? Whose afterlife would be the most interesting to keep you entertained for all eternity?


Tom: What obstacles would be included in the World’s most amazing obstacle course?


Ian: What’s the most expensive thing you’ve broken?


Cecil: What invention doesn’t get a lot of love, but has greatly improved the world?


Sara: If you were given a PhD degree, but had no more knowledge of the subject of the degree besides what you have now, what degree would you want to be given to you?

Lime Green Morpheus

Tom, Cecil, and Ian: Do you have any tattoos? If so what are they of? If not, would you ever consider getting one?

Lime Green Morpheus

Who is the worst guest you have ever had on the show and why? Did they not even make it onto a recording?

Lime Green Morpheus

How did you meet the PIAT guys? Also do you refer to Noah, Lucinda, and Heath by their pseudonyms when you are not recording or by their legal names? Does it ever get confusing?

Bowl of Piss Water

Besides making podcasts, what are your hobbies?

Mike B

For Cecil - when you are editing Citation Needed, who do you have to edit the most?

Mike B

If you could Purge anyone from the Atheist Movement™ who would it be and why?

Niamh Coghlan

I've always been curious about Gary. Where Gary came from and also.... what Gary actually IS, besides oddly adorable yet creepy. I'd love to hear the backstory.


I am curious if you would recommend any particular authors in history or politics. You both have an incredible base of knowledge!


For both hosts: you’ve made fun of most of my favorite bands. Some of my favorite moments actually. What are some of your favorite songs or artists?

Tracy & her cats

Yes, that's the game! I looked on Twitch and it's not there anymore. They need to play again to recreate it. It was Cecil and Ian, lol.


Most Pizza in the PNW is trash. Cecil, have you ever made Chicago style pizza at home? What crust do you like? and would you ever consider doing an episode of seasoned liberally on making Chicago style Pizza from scratch?


Tom, Cecil, Sarah, Ian- How do each of you suffer fools? Meaning, How did/do you deal with people irl or online who bring misinformation, conspiracy, or intellectual dishonesty into the conversation; either casually or in instances where someone might be trying to big brain you with bad thinking or some ill conceived notion born from credulity. What are some of your most memorable instances of these encounters?


Another heavy question similar to Dr. Shapiro’s Dry Ass P-Word regarding their sibling, as well as the spiritual successor to my previous question. Are any of you or the PIATS crew familiar with any resources regarding organizing a Skeptic/Humanist/Digital/Media Literacy advocacy/outreach group locally? (Maybe pamphlets similar to the ones the Jehovah's Witnesses leave in laundry mats. lol) The school board meetings out here are starting to get overrun with people drunk on the Q-oolade (fighting against CRT, masks, “Deadly” Vaccines etc). They are seriously galvanizing around the grift, and are taken in by the attractive narrative where they play the role of heroes called to serve as the last line of defense to save the country and the children from whatever new imaginary threat they cooked up which better allows them to dismiss or remain ignorant of the complexities and nuances of realities they don’t. understand. Meanwhile, intelligent people are atomized, and seem to default into a state of head shaking dumfounded disbelief or simply dismiss them as wackos who will go away. However, it seems myopic thinking binds wackos, strengthens their resolve and seems to give them staying power. Coupled with the fact that they have networks of churches through which to gather and organize, I dont see this going away on its own. And I can’t stress this enough: They are acting on their delusions. It feel like, despite unprecedented access to credible information, we are heading rapidly descending into an intellectual dark age. I need to believe many of these people are just caught up and don’t really know better. I need to believe they may be swayed away from the grift with the presence of a community of sober voices. TLDR, Any suggestions as to how skeptics can better organize locally to effect change, combat misinformation to help stem the tide?


On a lighter note. Cecil and Tom What was the first vehicle you owned? What was your favorite vehicle? What is the craziest story you have regarding a vehicle you owned? And for Cecil - What does the previous question have to do with you meeting Sarah?

John Martyn

What stops you from doing this full time. And opposite what actually makes you want to do this. Also, Tom. I am about to be a first time dad, other than your awesome Dangerous Letters, do you have any advice for me?

One Of George Soros's Liver Spots

The human anus can stretch up to 7 inches before taking damage. A raccoon can fit through spaces as small as four inches which means you can take almost two full grown raccoons up your ass. Who do you think has a better chance of achieving this nobel goal? Tom, Cecil, or one of the scathing guys?


Tom, Cecil - What inspired you two to write a book? Tell us about your process creating it?


Hey Tom, I love the stuff you write for your children. I've been wondering, how do you differentiate between your role as a parent and your role as a step-parent?

Kelly Burke

If you had 1 hour to teach a critical thinking lesson to kids, what would you focus on?


I recently became acquainted with an antivaxxer who refers to himself as a "proud pureblood". What choice insults would you throw at this fool? And may I borrow them?