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Nick Tessier

Pure. Fuckin. Gold.


Ian and Cecil’s wife should unionize

Melanie Gordon

I love that when Ian has to pick a song to hum/sing for filler, it’s The Girl from Ipanema.

Peter Kyrouac

Sorry that I missed this last night! I posted this on the YouTube video, but I want to re-post here regarding the sales tax question at approximately 08:35: In Illinois, only the sale of tangible personal property is subject to sales taxes—this includes sales of physical books. However, since audio books are downloaded media and thus intangible, NO SALES TAX should be imposed on the sale of digital copies of books nor on audiobooks. This is stated explicitly under the Illinois Department of Revenue Regulation Title 86 130.2105 (a)(3). Technically, if a book is shipped from Illinois to any point outside of the state of Illinois, this should also be considered as "Interstate Commerce" and non-taxable per Regulation 130.605 (c). Nevertheless, it's always possible that sales tax gets collected in error when things are sold through larger websites (called Marketplace Facilitators in Illinois defined in Regulation 150.804 (a).) When this happens, the Illinois Department of Revenue just gets extra money. Sorry, I just had to comment on the Illinois sales tax thing as I've worked for the Illinois Department of Revenue's taxpayer assistance line down in Springfield for more than a decade. :D


I am having trouble finding the bookmark to buy! I ordered my book and the audiobook so I can listen to Tom read it to me and have a tangible copy to go back to whenever I want. But I couldn’t find any link to the book mark?

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

Hi! Here is the link and instructions to get the bookmark! Thanks!! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVDLO0J5PFsAibFLkFY3OH9nTzz-_RI5b0_oEEN6a6yYxHBQ/viewform