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Taliban Impose Head-to-Toe Coverings for Women - The New York Times

'Hurricane Gun:' Trump Asked if China Was Launching Storms at US - Rolling Stone

OAN Finally Admits 'No Widespread Voter Fraud' After Settling Defamation Suit

U.S. police trainers with far-right ties are teaching hundreds of cops

Alex Jones explodes at caller over 'damn' QAnon: 'I have to put up with the Q people all over the place!' 

The QAnon Queen Told Followers They Didn't Need to Pay Bills. It Didn't End Well.

Opinion | I Lost My Baby. Then Antivaxxers Made My Pain Go Viral. - The New York Times




Abortion: When have women ever been 1st class citizens? Prediction - A wave of republicans shuttling mistresses to abortion states. The justices are looking at reality: sidewalk protests lead to bombings and shootings. It's about self-preservation. Hurricane Gun: Remember, this was the guy who asked about nuking a hurricane.

Michele Wickham

The weird animation from the Alex Jones segment is from a documentary on HBO called Q:Into the Storm - worth a watch.

Tressa Breen

6 Million Dollar Man (Lee Majors). Buck Rogers (Gil Gerard).

Rev. Random VanGogh

Swans, technically, are geese. What you’re debating is a race war.

Jay Voigt

I fucking love you guys (Ian being the exception, of course). Thank you for being so fucking awesome.

Jay Voigt

Tressa, I feel like you and Noah Lugeons would get along swimmingly. 😃😉

Dave Ligblurt

Fun fact about the supposed "queen of Canada," Romana Didulo: her name is an anagram of "I am our Donald." I have to assume that she had her name legally changed for this purpose. She's super Q-Anon/Trumpy.


In Ontario Canada we have those crazy payday loan places too. I've never been on one personally, but I see the signs advertising like 23.99% loans and crazy shit.


23.99% is a really low interest rate compared to some of the ones in the US. Some of these scam payday lenders here charge 300%.

Ryan Parker

Regular Joes are exactly who needs to be elected. Don’t underestimate the average Joe. As long as they are honest, sincere, humble, and can be trusted and have good people around them? And isn’t a total, utter, and completely uninterested, not curious moron? Then I’m fine with it. Because all these “Not Average Joe’s” are the lying assholes who keep us in this shit ass situation they have spent years getting us to in the first place. Trump was and is garbage. You can’t polish a turd. Trump was a disaster. BUT! I understand completely why he was elected. Also, Trump is not the average Joe…. Nobody would ever define him as that. He’s just so stupid, that you immediately associate him with the uneducated not-witt’s out there. Anyway, if you will excuse me? I have some tacos to tear up! If you’re ever in LA? I’m taking you to Leo’s in Redondo Beach/Lawndale. Glory hoke!