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Note the first 10 minutes there are drops. Then we restarted and it goes away. 

1st part (with internet bullshit)

2nd part 




Jay Voigt

Was this streamed live? I'm sad I missed this.

Jay Voigt

New drinking game, take a shot everytime Cecil says "embigenate."

Ryan Parker

There are, “Yeah butt’s.” I wish you guys could understand how wrong you are about how so many of these people view things. And what I mean by that? Is that you are giving them way too much credit. These people are A B S O L U T E L Y D E L U S I O N A L. I am in an extremely unique position to be able to make this claim. I will try to explain in a bit via email.

Ryan Parker

Yup. Pisses me off just listening to these mofo let alone having seen it on video.

Ryan Parker

You know why it doesn’t matter that these people have been loyal their entire lives? Because at this point? It is a zero sum game. The republicans recognize that they are unpopular and a dying party. And that they will never win again. So they NEED this. Nothing else but this matters. So they have a chance of getting back into or holding power for one or two last goes. So they can try to change laws and or Jerry rig the system and districts. All in one last attemp at holding off the inevitable for just a little bit longer. Trump supporters, despise Republicans almost as much as Democrats. They trust none of these assholes. And they are right. Because the people in power have abused all of our trust and taken advantage of their positions for so long? People are sick of it. I understand why Trump was elected. I didn’t understand why they wanted him back. But I do now. And it’s desperation. Desperation to not have the same old crooks back in office who do nothing for them. The issue they fail to see? Is Trump is the biggest crook of them all. But ego and desperation are why they refuse to see it. And yes, some racism. But mainly the other two.


Thanks for having Ian audio-ise this for those of us in can't-watch-the-streams timezones 👍


I realized some time back while reading about whistleblowers in Skeptic Magazine that loyalty is one of the highest traits we honor in society above all else - justice, religions, ethics. We also believe that loyalty given means loyalty received. This works right up until the bus comes along, usually money, sex, or someone else's ass is on the line at that point. Loyalty benefits all until it gets in the way of someone's desire.