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Long-COVID patients spend their life savings on unproven “blood washing” | Ars Technica


Big Pharma Has Raised Drug Prices 1,186 Times This Year, Analysis Shows

Prosecution rests its case in Steve Bannon trial after calling 2 witnesses

Court approves sale of 43 Catholic church properties to settle abuse victims claims | CBC News

Idaho Republicans Reject Amendment Allowing Abortion to Save Woman's Life

Clarence Thomas opinion sparks House vote Thursday to protect access to contraception | The Hill

Women in Missouri can't get a divorce while pregnant. Many fear what this means post-Roe

Trump pressured top Wisconsin Republican to decertify 2020 results, then threatened him — last week | Salon.com



Fame and fortune guaranteed in the state of Tintucky

If Donald Trump is a 10 then the guy I worked for was a 5. I never directly witnessed anything but I heard rumors and had a massive fight with my boss over copyright infringement. There were alot of reasons I convinced myself to stay everyday but the two biggest were "I need this job" and "I will never get this opportunity" I wasn't in Cassidy Hutchinson's position but I totally understand how a 23 year old Republican, fresh out of college, could find themselves in that position on January 6th.

Katie Stienmetz

Story about Missouri's terrible divorce rules, this happened in 2012. I was with a guy who had been split up with his ex for several years but they had never got around to filing the divorce. She had moved to Missouri and we lived out west. Then she got pregnant with her new partner, but the state wouldn't let her divorce the guy she hadn't seen in years and marry the father of her child, and they would put her technical husbands name on the birth certificate even, it was such a mess. He was able to file the divorce from our state and it finally went through like a month before she had the baby. Such a fucked up way for the state to control women, and that is all just going to get so much worse now.


Know what's mind-boggling? QAnon christians are out to "save the children" from grooming, meanwhile the catholic church has been grooming children for decades (most likely since it's inception), yet their support the catholic church and hundred's of other child molesting priest is unwavering.