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KING: The alt-right movement goes full Nazi as Steve Bannon prepares to enter the White House 

'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect

Facebook's Fight Against Fake News Was Undercut by Fear of Conservative Backlash

Mystery solved: Chiropractic manipulation of the neck did cause Katie May’s death from stroke

Police investigate grandmother's death at Chinese slap therapy course

Mary Colbert: Trump’s Border Wall Is OK Because Heaven Has Gates 

Pat Robertson: Black Families Were Better Off In The 1930s -

Curt Schilling Gripes About Liberal ‘Wussified’ ‘Ebonics,’ Defends Use Of Torture



Kurt Montandon

You guys are way behind - now Trump's claiming Hillary got millions of illegal votes.

Donovan "Ravenhull"

As for the Neavo Nazis not hiding under hoods, look up the Silver Shirts, the openly active American Nazis of the 30's. The only dif is the new guys ain't bothering with a uniform look... yet.

Robert Carmody

The Republican-Nazi convention should be named "NeoConCon"!

Torsten 'what the fluff' Pihl

Guys, thanks for keeping on the fascists and helping to keep me motivated to not stand for this shit being a new normal. I finally became a financial supporter. (my last name is pronounced like "peel", thanks)


I think you guys misunderstood /r/nottheonion. It's not people who think The Onion is real, it's stories so ridiculous that you'd think they were parodies.

Ryan Parker

No clue wtf a micro aggression is. Never heard the term in my life. I think 7 out of 10 is very generous.