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The State of Florida spreads antivaccine disinformation disguised as an epidemiological “study” | Science-Based Medicine

No Treats, Only Tricks: Republicans Try to Ruin Halloween With Fake Rainbow Fentanyl Threat

The number of Republicans who believe Trump’s 'big lie' has fallen since the Jan. 6 hearings

'No secular argument against adult incest': Dennis Prager downplays the dangers of inbreeding

Spread of Catholic hospitals restricts abortion, birth control access - The Washington Post

Aide tells FBI Trump ordered boxes moved at Mar-a-Lago - report | Reuters

The National Archives slapped down Trump's claim that Obama and Bush mishandled government records after leaving office



Jay Voigt

We need daily episodes from you slackers!


Love the David across reference, Tom! “We’re going to give everyone $300”

John McGillivray

Mar-o-logo documents. Why did the Archives not know what Trump took? Is there not a sign out process like the library?