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Tom and Cecil have Talk Nerdy host Cara Santa Maria on the show. They talk about the rise of “fake-news” and how personal biases can influence how we consume media.  

About Cara: 

Cara Santa Maria is a Los Angeles Area Emmy and Knight Foundation Award journalist, science communicator, television personality, producer, and podcaster. 





That may be the least offensive episode I have ever heard and I almost feel unclean. In all seriousness fantastic episode.

Elizabeth Kerin

There is a maker space in Chicago called Bitspace. It is on Lawrence.

Morden O'Hare

What a great show! Cara is awesome and you guys did a great job steering the conversation along. Thanks.


Great show as always!

Tom Hail

Cara rivals Noah in her excoriating of Trump. Excellent interview.


"We all need a link to her Fitbit" Thanks Cara, you made me laugh so hard it hurt. Nice to hear you get political!

Dave F

Brilliant. I really want to have a Bulldozer fight!

Dan Irizarry

Really liked this long form Interview! Need more of these


I really enjoyed this episode and Cara was great, so bright and funny and insightful. I'm going off to check out her podcast. Thanks :-)

Bad Medicine

I was so excited when Cara was announced as a guest. I know SGU has reasons to couch their language a bit, and stay as apolitical as possible, which meant my first thought was, "Man, I imagine Cara is one of those ladies who could be just as deservedly angry and vulgar as Tom and Cecil." Did not disappoint. The three of you seem to have really great chemistry, and it was wonderful hearing Cara on a rolling-down-to-the-ankles-low-brow platform. Ladies can be geeky, and intelligent, and well-spoken, and that doesn't (and shouldn't) preclude us from verbally dragging something or someone that's deserving.

Emanuel Rivera

I love Cara, she made Cecil, Tom and the show seems really smart. Loved the conversation!

Trevor F

QUICK! Someone photoshop Trump's head on Bob with bitch tits!!!


Great episode, I love Cara, she's wonderfully educated and has the best laugh.

Mike Koeppen

The more I listen to Cara the more I am impressed with that woman. She was an awesome addition to SGU and is a very good interview. Thanks Guys


It is funny how she doesn't swear on SGU, but on this one she is as expressive as Tom and Cecil! Absolutely love the show and this episode especially!

Bad Medicine

Precisely why I was so stoked to hear she was going to be on the show. Makes me wonder if the rest of the skeptical rogues would be this open outside of SGU.


Great interview!

Ryan Parker

That's awesome guys! SGU was my first podcast too! It also got me listening to podcasts back in 2012 or so. Although I admit that I am super backlogged on the SGU. Between you guys and GAM and TSA, I have plenty to listen to at the moment. I'm hoping I can get the truly wireless earphones like AirPods or Kanoa. That way I can just keep one in and listen at work. Then maybe I'll catch up and even have time to catch up on my Audible library. I can't wear both at work. I like not being squished by forklift drivers on meth. It's one of my favorite pastimes actually. I try to not get squished pretty much 24/7/365. Except on occasion. But... I usually have to pay for that. #24/7/363


Catching up . I'm a little behind. I have never heard anything Cara Santa Maria has done, but I must say, she was an absolute delight to listen to! Probably one of my favorite guests you've had. I really need to check out more of her stuff if she brings even half of that thoughtfulness and charm to bear elsewhere.