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TikTok pushes potentially harmful content to users as often as every 39 seconds, study says - CBS News


A Christian Camp Director Abused Dozens of Kids. Now, a Victim Says the Camp Lied to Coerce Him Into an NDA.

After eviction, Christian hate-preacher Jonathan Shelley can't find a new home

Texas Creates Chilling Registry of 16,000 People Who Changed Genders on Their Driver's Licenses

Holy hell: The dangers in rising religious exemptions to school vaccinations in Florida



that 9 fingered lesbian

So… when I saw the episode title, I jokingly asked my wife if she thought it was about my fingers. And she said “9.5 is generous, dear. More like 9.333333…”

Joel McNicklickel

It’s pronounced “whaaa-way” -a counterintel-cyber guy from govt


Wonder if the algorithm provides the same content in china

Mama K

As a child of the Satanic Panic, my family attended West Charleston Baptist Church. (Andre Agassi was dating the preachers daughter and often was in services.) The music director had a glass eyeball, and my parents would attend evening Bible study at her home. They would put all of us kids in one room with a t.v., close the door, and leave us all alone... that ended up being a not so good idea. Keep exposing these fuckers!! I "rejoice" every time another one falls😈

Michael Weston

The panic about vaccines has really reminded me of the book “Blind Faith” by Ben Elton. It was published back in 2007 but hell he has gotten uncomfortably close to what’s happening now. I remember one line from the book being an evangelical preacher saying “who wants their children to have dirty water injected into them by heathens who believe that their grandfathers were monkeys”. Plagues of disease are common and child mortality is massive.